Tulegenova Anar Kabdygaliyevna
Head of the Department of Physics and mathematics
Address: Arkalyk str. Auelbekov, 17, 516 cabinet
tel: 110 (internal)
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Brief historical information
The Department of mathematics and physics was established in 1972 with the establishment of the Institute. At various times, the Department was reorganized. As a result of re-organization in September 2009, two departments were formed from the Department of mathematics, physics and computer science: mathematics and physics; computer science. Doctors of science and candidates of science worked at the Department. Among them: Tolegenov M. O. – doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, Alimuhambetov G. E. – doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Karazbaev A. K. - doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Umbetov A. U. – candidate of physico-mathematical Sciences, associate Professor, doctor of philosophy (PhD), academician of IIA; candidates of physical and mathematical Sciences: Kwiecien J., Basharov R. B. U. M. Makhanov, A. K. Akhmetov, the village vicinity. A. U., K. O. Alibaev, Kaidasov J. K., Mirzabaev A. K., Baigonysova O. B., Aikynov M. K., G. A. Abdikalikova, Erchov I. V., Nurzhanov N. With., Dauletov T. I., Ismagulova R. S., Berzhanov A. B., B. Bekmurzaev;candidates of pedagogical Sciences: Murzabaeva R. B., Baimataeva G. A., S. K. Abdibekov, bazarbaeva
The Department trains specialists in the following EP: 5B010900-Mathematics, 5B011000-Physics, 5B012600-Mathematics and physics, 5B012800-Physics and computer science, 6B01501-Mathematics, 6B01502-Physics, 6B01507-Mathematics and physics, 6B01509-Physics and computer science
Tasks of the Department:
Training of highly qualified bachelors in 5B010900-Mathematics, 5B011000-Physics, 5B012600-Mathematics and physics, 5B012800-Physics and computer science, 6B01501-Mathematics, 6B01502-Physics, 6B01507-Mathematics and physics, 6B01509-Physics and computer science based on the requirements of the state educational standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
As a result of the development of the bachelor of education program in the EP 5B010900-Mathematics, 5B011000-Physics, 5B012600-Mathematics and physics, 5B012800-Physics and computer science, 6B01501-Mathematics, 6B01502-Physics, 6B01507-Mathematics and physics, 6B01509-Physics and computer science performs the following professional activities:
• educational;
• experimental research;
• organizational and management;
• socio-pedagogical;
• teaching-educational;
• educational and technological.
Objects of professional activity of the bachelor of education in the EP 5B010900-Mathematics, 5B011000-Physics, 5B012600-Mathematics and physics, 5B012800-Physics and computer science, 6B01501-Mathematics, 6B01502-Physics, 6B01507-Mathematics and physics, 6B01509-Physics and computer science are:
• organization of preschool education and upbringing;
• primary, basic and specialized schools;
• specialized schools;
• organizations of technical and professional, post-secondary education.
Upon completion of the course of bachelor graduates majoring 5V010900-Mathematics 5V011000-Physics, 5В012600 Mathematics and physics 5В012800-Physics and computer science, 6В01501-Mathematics, 6В01502-Physics, 6В01507 Mathematics and physics 6В01509-Physics and computer science have the opportunity to continue training in a magistracy and doctoral studies on EP "Mathematics", "Physics", "Informatics", "Pedagogics and psychology".
Teaching staff: 1 - Ph. D., Professor of Arkpi, 1 candidate of Sciences; associate Professor; 2 associate Professor of Arkpi, 6 masters, senior teachers; 2 masters, teachers.The main directions of scientific activity at the Department: "Formation of research competence of students in teaching mathematics and physics»
Outstanding graduates:
Doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor G. Alimuhambetov; candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor Grinchenko N. And.; associate Professor Abdikalykova G. A.; Deputy head of the NSC of Kazakhstan Amirov G.; Deputy akim of Arkalyk – Kaldybaev N.; Head of SCPP Arkalyk Nurmanov K.; the Director of the College of Economics and law – Sarzhanov S. A.; Director of high school №6 named after M. Kozybayev K.; Director of secondary school №1 – Mukanova G.; chief specialist of Department of education of Arkalyk Abu M.