Rakhmetova Bazar Anasovna
Head of the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature,
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Tel .: 8 (71430) 7-13-81, vn.tel .: 117
The department is located in the main building ArkPI on the 3 floor, №329 cabinet
Brief historical background
The department was founded in 1972 together with the formation of the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute.
In 1992-1994, the department of modern Kazakh language was headed by associate professor Abisheva K.M., in 1994-1999 - senior teacher Abdikhalykova B.M.
In 1992-1996, the head of the department of Kazakh literature and practical Kazakh, Russian languages was Ph.D. Erzhanova G.K., in 1996-2001 - Art. teacher Kenzheakhmetov S.K.
In August 2002, by order of the rector of the institute, the department of the Kazakh language and literature and the department of the Russian language and literature were merged, the head of the united department was Ph.D. Abisheva K.M.
In the 2004-2005 academic year, the duties of the head. the department performed Art. teacher Zheksembaeva L.B.
Since 2005, the head of the department has become B.A. Rakhmetova, Ph.D.
According to the educational program "Kazakh literature" in 1997, the senior teacher of the department Valikhanov Sh.A. defended his candidate's dissertation, in 2004 - senior teacher Rakhmetova BA.
In 2017, by the order of the rector, the department was renamed to "Kazakh language and literature". Currently, on educational programs 5B011700 - "Kazakh language and literature", 5B012100 - "Kazakh language and literature in schools with a non-Kazakh language of instruction", Ph.D., professor Valikhanov Sh.A .; Ph.D., professor Kaliev A.K .; Ph.D., professor Rakhmetova BA; Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Abdullina A.A .; master of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher Shakirova K.M .; Master of Pedagogical Sciences, senior teacher Auezova Sh.S.; master of pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer Aidarova G.K. and senior teacher Tautina B.A.
Tasks of the department
- Creation of the necessary conditions for obtaining education, aimed at the formation, development and professional development of the individual on the basis of national and universal values, achievements of science and practice.
- Mastering linguistic disciplines, which serve to form students' notions about the structure of linguistics as a science and about language as a system and a functioning mechanism, as well as - knowledge on the theory and methodology of linguistics, taking into account the change in scientific paradigms and principles of formation and development of the theory of language.
- Students should get an idea about the phonetic and phonological systems of modern Kazakh, Russian languages, about the methods of word formation and grammatical categories of morphology of the FRY; syntactic system, its units, classifications and norms of functioning.
- Mastering literary disciplines, which give an idea of the basic theoretical concepts, taking into account the achievements of world literary criticism, contribute to the understanding of the leading laws of artistic creativity, which is necessary for analyzing the aesthetic specifics of literature as a written form of the art of the word; equip students with the necessary knowledge of the history of Russian, world and Kazakh literature; familiarize with the evolution of genera and genres, methods and trends; with the work of outstanding writers, whose works are a contribution to both domestic and world culture.
- Improvement of teaching quality management.
Total number-9, including:
• Candidate of Science - 3;
• Master-4;
• Professor of the Institute. I. Altynsarin -3;
• Associate Professor VAK MES RK - 1, Associate Professor of the Institute. I. Altynsarin - 2;
• Senior teacher - 5;
• Teacher-1
In the 2017-2018 academic year, the journal with a non-zero impact factor (Scopus) published an article by Ph.D., Professor B.A. Rakhmetova "Functions of expressive facilities in heroic epos" (PONTE international Joumal of Sciences and Research. Vol. 73 / No. 10 / Oct 2017).
In November 2017, the journal with a nonzero impact factor (Scopus) published an article by Ph.D., Professor Sh.A. Valikhanov "Tne contribution of world literature's rhymes to foreign language acquisition" (Man In India, Seriais Publications 97 (21 ) 367-379); in the same edition published an article by Ph.D., professor A.K. Kalieva “Dualistic representations in Kazakh fairy tales” (Man In India, Seriais Publications).
In November 2017, as part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the poet, prose writer, playwright, translator Kapan Satybaldin at the publishing house "Higher Education and Science" in Moscow, the author of Satybaldina Narkes Kapanovna in the development of the anniversary edition "Men zhyrlaimyn", "I I sing ", published in the publishing house" Higher Education and Science "in Moscow is based on the research works of K.M. Shakirova. In the second part of the scientific publication, the scientific works of K.M. Shakirova "About the work of the artist Kapan Satybaldin", "Language of Characters as one of the Talented Writer's Works", which were published in domestic and foreign editions. Also in this collection is an article by the author of the book Satybaldina N.K. "Katira Shakirova is a scientific researcher of Kapan Satybaldin's creativity."