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Electronic resources by discipline

Educational program: 6В01101-Pedagogy and psychology

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Full name of the teacher

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Pedagogical psychology

1. The subject and main problems of pedagogical psychology
2. Psychology of learning and psychological problems of teaching
3. General psychological problems of upbringing
4. Gifted children: psychological problems of development, education and upbringing
5. Psychological aspects of teaching and upbringing in infancy and early childhood
6. Psychology of learning and upbringing of a preschooler
7. Junior high school student: psychological foundations of education and upbringing
8. Psychology of education and upbringing of adolescents
9. Psychology of teaching and upbringing of senior schoolchildren
10. Psychology of pedagogical activity and psychology of a teacher

Kalimzhanova Rosa Laikovna





1. The essence and structure of the holistic pedagogical process
2. The purpose of education, its social validity
3. Scientific worldview is the basis of intellectual development of a student
4. The essence and content of education in the holistic pedagogical process
5. The importance of the learning process. Scientific foundations of the content of education in a modern school
6. Pedagogy in the system of human sciences
7. Personality as an object of education and a factor of its development and formation
8. Forms and means of education
9. Lesson - the main form of training
10.Teaching technologies in the professional activity of a teacher

Musirova Gulim Bakytovna




Pedagogical psychology

1. Pedagogical psychology as a science
2. Categories and studies of educational psychology
3. Education as a multifaceted phenomenon
4. The process of acquiring knowledge, skills
5. Fundamentals of Learning Psychology
6. Age characteristics of subjects of educational activity
7. Psychology of education
8. Socialization of personality
9. Pedagogical psychology and pedagogical activity
10. Communication in the educational process

Tauekelova Anar Elamanovna




Psychology of personality development in ontogenesis

1. Subject, tasks and methods of psychology
2. Psyche and consciousness
3. Psychological characteristics of the activity
4. The problem of personality in psychology
5. Cognitive mental processes. Feeling
6. Attention and memory
7. Emotions and feelings
8. Will
9. Psychology of interpersonal communication
10. Temperament
11. Character

Karataeva Tatiana Olegovna
