1st course
In the first academic year, such compulsory disciplines as "Modern History of Kazakhstan", "Philosophy", "Physical Culture", "Module of socio-political knowledge", "Kazakh (Russian) language", "Foreign language" are studied, aimed at the formation of students' socio–personal and communicative competencies: openness of consciousness, spiritual modernization, realism, socio-humanitarian worldview.
University components:
The study of the disciplines "Introduction to the teaching profession" and "Age physiology and school hygiene" will lead to the formation of initial knowledge and skills for the development of professional training of a teacher. Master the basic subjects of mathematics – "Mathematical analysis".
Professional practices:
Educational and introductory practice: students get acquainted with the structure, the basic principles of the organization of the school, the activities of the subject teacher.
2nd course
In the second academic year, students have the opportunity to study the compulsory disciplines "Information and Communication Technologies" and "Physical Culture", which systematize knowledge and skills on new "digital" thinking, the use of modern information and communication technologies in various fields of activity, the basics of a healthy lifestyle.
University components:
When studying the university component "Pedagogy", "Pedagogical Psychology", "pedagogical heritage of the Great Steppe", you develop your professional training and consider the pedagogical heritage of the great enlighteners and scientists of the Great Steppe. Master the disciplines "Architecture and theoretical foundations of computer systems", "Algebra and number theory", "Analytical Geometry".
Components of choice:
You can choose one of the following general education courses, namely "Fundamentals of Ecology and Life Safety,"Fundamentals of Anti-Corruption Culture" and "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship".
You will master the 3rd elective course from a catologist of elective disciplines.
Professional practices:
Pedagogical and psychological practice is planned for this academic year. During this practice, students get acquainted with the procedure of studying the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the team, conduct a psychological and pedagogical analysis of the lesson.
3rd course
In the third academic year, you get the opportunity to study the following courses included in the university component in 2 modules aimed at the formation of professional training and skills of a teacher. They:
1. "Theory and methodology of educational work" will allow organizing and conducting educational work with schoolchildren in accordance with the national ideas of "Mangilik El" and "Rukhani Zhangyru".
2. The course "Inclusive education" includes an analysis of the procedure for studying the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students in an inclusive environment.
3. "Pedagogical mastery" in teaching the discipline, the skill of competence is formed
4. "Methods of teaching mathematics" and "Methods of teaching computer science" during the course, students will be able to get acquainted with the methods of teaching mathematics and computer science based on modern teaching methods and technologies of criterion assessment, as well as develop practical skills in lesson planning.
5. The course "New technologies in education" is aimed at applying the principles of updating the content of secondary education, effective teaching and learning methods and technologies of criterion assessment.
6. During the course "Web programming and Mobile Application development" students develop mobile applications through programs.
7. The course "Organization of research work and academic writing" is also of great importance, which leads to the organization of scientific projects, experiment planning, and academically competent scientific search.
Component of choice:
You will master the 2nd elective course from a catologist of elective disciplines.
This academic year, students undergo pedagogical practice to develop practical skills and abilities in planning, organizing and conducting educational, extracurricular, educational work in chemistry, drawing up educational documentation.
4th course
University components:
Master the basic subjects of mathematics – "Probability theory and mathematical statistics", "Mathematical logic and discrete mathematics", "Digital technologies in education".
During the last academic year, you will master 4 elective courses. When studying these courses, students describe mathematics and computer science, consider methods of conducting experiments in the system of teaching mathematics, use the main types and methods of solving problems at various levels of complexity, can use digital educational resources in mathematical modeling and design.
Professional practice:
A 12-week internship is planned, aimed at the comprehensive involvement of students in practical pedagogical activities within the updated content of secondary education.
According to the module of the final certification, all students write and defend a thesis (project) for research and analysis in the field of teaching methods of mathematics and computer science or pass a comprehensive exam.