Educational and Research Laboratory

Self-Knowledge Center

One of the important conditions for the successful work of a teacher in a modern educational institution is a sense of not only responsibility for their work, but also inner freedom in their work. To achieve this, classes are held in a specially equipped "Self-Knowledge Center".Through the use of the age-old wisdom accumulated in the cultures of mankind, the program of spiritual and moral development "Self-knowledge" includes familiarization with all the diversity and richness of the spiritual experience of the world, including the peoples of Kazakhstan. The lesson of self-knowledge is like no other. There is no survey in the traditional sense of the word.

Basic methods of working in the classroom:
-эти ethical conversations;
-role-playing games;
-minutes of silence;
-настро set up positive thoughts;
-тренин trainings and other forms of teamwork.
In the process of dialogue and discussion, students develop a special social ability and the ability to share their worldview with others, they learn to defend their point of view, listen to the interlocutor and be able to negotiate, convince and listen.
Role-playing games imitate life situations, allow you to get used to the role, stimulate spontaneous behavioral reactions, allow you to fully open up to the student as a person.
Trainings conducted in the classroom allow you to adjust the qualities of the student's personality for the better, to reveal their abilities for self-knowledge and self-improvement
A minute of silence is held under quiet music, students sit, relaxed, comfortable. The teacher at this time quietly reads out the text related to the topic of the lesson and addressed to the past experience of the participants. This allows you to look into your inner world, will revive feelings and memories at various events.
In the classroom, students are liberated, take an active part in conducting classes, and master various forms of working with the group themselves. All this contributes to the full self-disclosure, self-acceptance and development of the necessary personal qualities for the future teacher.



Center for "Inclusive Education"

The Center for Inclusive Education was opened in 2019. The main objectives of the Center are:
* support of inclusive education in the pedagogical Institute through psychological, pedagogical, medical and social support for students with disabilities;
* providing conditions for adaptation to the learning process and personal development of students with disabilities in order to improve the quality of their professional training and further competitiveness in the labor market;
* protection of students ' health, organization of anti-epidemic measures, prevention of psychoemotional overload of students;
* promoting the maximum convergence of the process of theoretical training of students with their future practical work, developing the skills of students-future teachers with normal children who are in a difficult life situation, as well as with children with special educational needs.
In accordance with these tasks, the following equipment was purchased, purchased and installed:
- interactive dry pool, which produces a massage effect, stimulates creative activity and develops the muscular system, acrylic mirror surface, serves as a mirror in which children can look at their reflection during games, as well as serving as protection from power sources;
- acoustic tactile panel that combines the functions of tactile, visual, and sound stimulation for the development of fine motor skills and game therapy;
- panels "Starry sky" and "Infinity" - designed for visual stimulation, for the design of the sensory room;
- a tactile track consisting of 7 tactile modules that are filled with different materials. Tactile sensations from the touch of the feet from the track stimulates the mental activity of students;
- fiber-optic shower designed for relaxation, stress relief and relaxation. Fiber-optic fibers are evenly distributed along the entire perimeter of the rounded cascade, falling to the floor, forming a luminous ball;
- the sand painting light table, designed for ISO-therapy, promotes the development of tactile sensations, visual stimulation, imagination and imagination.
Thus, the center provides comprehensive social, health-saving, psychological and pedagogical support to students, including those with limited health opportunities.





Laboratory of Psychodiagnostics and Counseling

Basic functions:
conducting practical and laboratory classes in psychodiagnostics, practical psychology, experimental psychology, social psychology, elective courses;
-help students with research work;
-organization of professional communication and exchange of experience of psychologists in the region;
conducting psychological research among the contingent of students and teachers of the ArcPI on request.
This laboratory includes two zones: an advisory and a training one.
The consultation area simulates the office of a practicing psychologist-consultant and is designed to teach students the techniques of conducting individual consultations using various psychological techniques. This zone provides for the installation of a landline telephone intended for practical work of students as a consultant of the "Helpline"service.
The training area is equipped with a round table, a cork board and is designed for group training, laboratory classes in psychological and pedagogical disciplines of an applied nature.
The laboratory has a computer with software designed for individual diagnostics and diagnostics of groups and collectives. The functional equipment of this system allows you to:
• - conduct a professional psychological examination using ready-made tests;
* - modify existing methods based on the specifics of the contingent, diagnostic tasks, etc.;
• - create and enter the necessary tests into the system.
The system includes a variety of diagnostic methods used to determine the level of development of personal, business, social and intellectual qualities of the subjects and to identify deviations from the psychological norm (classical tests of Lusher, Eysenck, Cattel, MMPI, various variants of the "semantic differential" method, unique psychobiographic methods). Depending on the task, the tests can be used in full or express versions, selectively or "battery" (a series of sequentially run tests).
Having studied the specialty 5B010300 "Pedagogy and Psychology" at the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin, the graduate will be able to fully realize himself as a school teacher-psychologist and a psychologist-consultant of the organization.




Center for Pedagogical Excellence and Innovative Technologies

Pedagogical skill is the ability to optimize all types of activities, to direct them to the comprehensive development and improvement of the individual, the formation of his worldview, abilities, needs for socially significant activities
In this center, students master the basics of pedagogical skills, as well as study the experience of advanced teachers of Kazakhstan, Near and Far Abroad.
In addition to teaching the organization and methodology of the lesson and educational activities, students are trained in pedagogical techniques, which plays an important role in the training of highly qualified specialists. Here, students hone the techniques of pedagogical influence, skillfully set and solve a wide variety of practical tasks and situations. Much attention is paid to the training of special skills
 мобилизации mobilization of students for intensive cognitive activity
взаимодействие interaction with the team and the individual
 organization of the team
владение control of your mood, voice, facial expressions, pantomime
Pedagogical technique contributes to the harmonious unity of the internal content of the teacher's activity and its external expression. The teacher's skill is in the synthesis of spiritual culture and pedagogically appropriate external expressiveness.
The center is equipped with the necessary equipment: a TV, recording and reproducing equipment, a lectern, a cork board, full-length wall mirrors and is designed in a modern style.