History of Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin:
Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin is the leading pedagogical higher educational institution in the country that trains teachers and scientific personnel for all sectors of the economy.
In accordance with Resolution No. 220 of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan and the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR dated April 12, 1972, Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute was formed, 5 years later it was named after Ibrai Altynsarin.
The first faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Philology was opened at Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin on April 12, 1972.
Today, at Altynsarin Institute There are Faculty of Natural Science and Informatization, Pedagogy and Philology, History and Art. The educational institution prepares bachelor’s degrees in 29 educational programs.
«Scientific and Pedagogical Museum of Altynsarin» was opened in 1976 in honor of the Great Kazakh educator-teacher, in 2010 – «Natural and Historical Museum».
Currently, Altynsarin Institute has established international partnerships with 13 universities from 9 foreign countries: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Indonesia, the Russian Federation, Turkey, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Poland. Students regularly have the opportunity to study in foreign universities with the academic mobility program.
In addition, the material and technical base of the institute is equipped with the latest modern technology. Scientific and practical laboratories operate for the specialties of physics, chemistry, computer science. An interactive multimedia video studio has been launched for the teaching staff to record video lectures on the world platform «Coursera».
In 2023, Altynsarin Institute took the first place in the employment of graduates, showing 94% in the independent rating of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Atameken».
According to the results of 2023, PhD Alibek Eskermesov, became the owner of the title «Best university teacher – 2023».
The third mission of the Institute, which gives priority to the peculiarities of the northern region, is also implemented in the educational institution. In order to fulfill the third mission of the Institute, the work of 4 special scientific centers was resumed. These are: the Center for psychodiagnostics and counseling, the Center for Inclusive education, the Center for pedagogical excellence, the Center for the study of Ethnopedagogy and Ethnopsychology.
The Silver University project has been launched at the Institute. As part of this project, the Institute offers an educational portfolio for the elderly, including modern IT technologies, courses on learning foreign languages, improving legal and financial literacy.
The Literary and Cultural Association named after M. Dulatov operates at the institute, which managed to create a favorable spiritual environment for the development of institute students. The literary and cultural association has the following directions: the writers’ club «Kauyrsyn", the vocal club «Zhuldyz», «Soz-sadak», «Rukhaniyat», «Shabyt».
Several student movements are widely promoted in the Republican leagues, such as the debate club «Akikat», the Volunteer Movement «Heart to Heart», the alliance of students of Kazakhstan, «Sanaly urpak», the Sports Club «Barys».