Comparative analysis of the content of educational programs specialty 5B010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology
Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute im.Y.Altynsarina and
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai
№ |
Сriteria |
ArkGPI im.Y.Altynsarina |
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai |
Level |
Level |
high |
Average |
Low |
high |
Average |
Low |
The structure of the educational program |
1 |
The completeness and adequacy of all the structural components of the OP |
+ |
+ |
The content of the educational program |
2 |
Depth, consistency of content |
+ |
3 |
Compliance with the requirements of the content of education and science of the labor market |
+ |
+ |
4 |
he presence of the invariant (the base) and variable components of content |
+ |
+ |
5 |
Reflection in the content of the competency approach |
+ |
6 |
Focus on personal development learning |
+ |
Тhe programs are based on the SES RK, are reviewed periodically, are in demand, provide a breadth of training specialists of educational psychologists.
There is a difference in educational programs targeted productions Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University and ArkGPI im.Y.Altynsarina. The OP ArkGPI im.Y.Altynsarina there is a clear hierarchy and a logical sequence of objectives, OP Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University - a generalized target setting. In OD Abai Abai presented the matrix of disciplines and specific competencies, which is not observed in the OP ArkGPI. In general, educational programs have similar structures.
1. The completeness and adequacy of all the structural components of the OP
Educational programs of the specialties represented in the form of components for choice of 25 and 34 pieces (elective subjects), the content of which is strictly structured and consist of the main sections required. crushing loans observed in the educational program of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University in elective courses, which may not provide a complete learning outcomes in all key competencies. The educational program ArkGPI im.Y.Altynsarina credits of elective components are optimized, making the program content. This in turn provides a more complete development of the educational program.
2. Depth, consistency of content
The content of educational programs provides the system context of basic and professional disciplines and depth of the problem. The problem of insufficiency of educational materials in the official language in the Republic of Kazakhstan affects the level of educational programs in the Kazakh language specialty.
3. Compliance with the requirements of the content of education science and labor markets
In developing the content of the teaching materials, the teachers take into account the needs of the region, potential employers, educational services consumer needs of the university, such as "Methods of scientific and pedagogical research" and others.
4. The presence of the invariant (the base) and variable components of content
Determination of elective courses is led by Advisors Group, which is the method of presentation offers students an alternative to each discipline from the catalog of elective courses, advises in determining the sequence of study subjects.
5. Otrazhenie in the content of the competency approach
Subjects of the educational program "Family Psychology", "Fundamentals psihokonsultirovaniya", "Pedagogical management in the conditions of modern school" and others. Are aimed at training qualified educational psychologist, who owns the theory of psycho-pedagogical sciences, the practice of the principles of the organization of its activities.
For a more complete comparative analysis of the educational program speitsalnosti 5B010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University requires a number of documents, such as CMD and CMD-C-D.
The Department of pedagogy and psychology is the process of harmonizing the content of OP 5V010300 "Pedagogy and psychology" for the reception of 2018, together with Atyrau State University named. Kh. Dosmukhamedov.