Harmonization of the content of educational programs with the educational programs of the leading Kazakhstan universities

Harmonization of the content of educational programs with the educational programs of the leading Kazakhstan universities

In order to improve the quality of the educational program (hereinafter - EP) 6B01706 – English language, a comparative analysis of the harmonization of the content of the EP among Kazakhstani universities is carried out on an ongoing basis. This constant process is necessary to ensure agreement between the expected learning outcomes and the competencies required by graduates in accordance with practical needs and the labor market, which allows to increase the horizontal and vertical mobility of students. The content of the EP was compiled in accordance with the state mandatory standard of education approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 604 dated October 31, 2018, and a comparative analysis of the academic disciplines of the component for the selection of basic and profile disciplines and other areas was carried out in the ESUVO system.
A comparative analysis of the educational program 6B01706 – English language of the I.Altynsarin ArkPI between L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University and Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University was carried out.
According to the results of the study of the harmonization of the content of 6B01706 – English language, it was revealed:
- all higher educational institutions are based on a single structure of the educational program of higher education (SES of 31.10.2018, Order No. 604);
- revealed a partial difference between the taught disciplines, depending on the component of choice;
- there is a similarity in the content in some disciplines.

Comparative analysis of harmonious disciplines of the EP "English language"

ArkPI named after I.Altynsarin

L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

KRU named after A. Baitursynov

Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University


Basic foreign language (B2)

Basic FL (level B1)

Basic basic foreign language B1

Basic foreign language (level B1)


Introduction to Business Discourse

Business German/French

Business and official correspondence and communication

Business foreign language


Language for special purposes C1

Language for academic purposes

Language for special purposes C1

English for academic purposes 1


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Digital technologies in education


Country Study

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Methodology of scientific research

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Research methods in teaching a foreign language

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