Harmonization of the content of educational programs with the educational programs of the leading Kazakhstan universities
The content of the EP 6B01704 – Kazakh language and literature at schools with non-Kazakh Language of Training of the Altynsarin ArkPI is aimed at meeting the needs of the labor market and employers in accordance with the framework of bachelor's qualifications, the full formation of the planned learning outcomes.
In order to improve the quality of educational programs, a comparative analysis is conducted on an ongoing basis on the position of the National rating of educational programs 6B01704 – Kazakh language and literature at schools with non-Kazakh Language of Training.
As a result of the analysis, the compatibility of EP 6B01704 – Kazakh language and literature at schools with non-Kazakh Language of Training, in 2022 with EP of leading universities of Kazakhstan was determined.
The content of the EP is compiled in accordance with the state mandatory standard of education approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 604.
The comparison of the component of the choice of basic, professional disciplines was carried out in the ESUVO system.
ArkPI named after I. Altynsarin 6B01704-Kazakh language and literature at schools with non-Kazakh Language of Training based on the results of the analysis of the compatibility of the content of the OP between KazNPU named after Abai, Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, Pavlodar Pedagogical University, Taraz Regional University named after M. H. Dulati:
- the fact that the OP of all universities is based on a single structure of educational programs of higher education;
- it is established that, depending on the component of choice, there are partial differences between the disciplines studied.
Comparative analysis of harmonious disciplines of the EP "6B01704 – Kazakh language and literature at schools with non-Kazakh Language of Training"
ArkPI |
KazNPU named after. Abai |
Pavlodar Pedagogical University |
M. H. Dulati Taraz Regional University |
Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University |
History of folklore and literature of the Great Steppe |
Folk oral literature and its teaching, literature of ancient and Khan times and its teaching |
Kazakh literature (I), Kazakh literature (II), Folk oral literature, Literature of antiquity and Khanate |
Kazakh Folk oral literature and oratory |
Kazakh Folk-oral literature, Literature of antiquity and Khanate |
Modern Kazakh language |
Modern Kazakh language 1, Modern Kazakh language 2, Modern Kazakh language 3,4, Modern Kazakh language |
Normative Kazakh language |
Theoretical foundations of linguistics |
Theoretical foundations of linguistics |
Theoretical foundations of linguistics |
Morphology of the modern Kazakh language |
Word formation, morphology of the Kazakh language and its teaching |
Morphology of the modern Kazakh language |
Modern Kazakh language (morphology, word formation) |
The system of classes of words of the Kazakh language |
Word formation, morphology of the Kazakh language and its teaching |
Word formation of the modern Kazakh language |
Word formation, morphology of the Kazakh language and its teaching |
Collocation and transformation of the Kazakh language |
Word formation of the modern Kazakh language |
The system of morphemes of the Kazakh language |
Word formation, morphology of the Kazakh language and its teaching |
Collocation and transformation of the Kazakh language |
The system of morphemes of the Kazakh language |
Methods of teaching Kazakh literature |
Basics of teaching literature |
Literary theory and philological analysis |
Theory of literature |
Literary theory and philological analysis |
Theory of literature, Literary creativity, linguistic analysis of the text |
Abai studies |
Abai studies |
Abai studies |
Abai studies |
Kazakh literature of the XIX century |
Kazakh literature of the late XIX-early XX centuries |
Kazakh literature of the XIX century |
Kazakh literature of the XIX century |
Stylistics of the Kazakh language |
Stylistics of the Kazakh language |
Stylistics of the modern Kazakh language |
Syntax of the modern Kazakh language |
The syntax of the Kazakh language |
The syntax of the Kazakh language |
Syntax of the modern Kazakh language |
Syntax of the modern Kazakh language |
Platforms and services for distance learning of the Kazakh language and literature |
Methodology and technology of distance learning |
Distance learning technologies |
Organization of distance learning: tools and technologies |
Digital resources in teaching the Kazakh language and literature |
Digital technologies in education |
Organization of distance learning: tools and technologies |
Digital technologies in education |
Fundamentals of scientific research and academic writing |
Fundamentals of research activity and literacy of academic writing |
Research, fundamentals of commercialization and academic writing |
Fundamentals of scientific research |
The system of morphemes and classes of words of the Kazakh language |
The system of morphemes of the Kazakh language |
New technologies in education |
New approaches to education and training |
Teacher career guidance |
Methodological foundations of teaching academic subscription at school |
Methods of conducting written work at school |
Basics of morphology |
The Law of economy and the language paradigm |
New directions of linguistics |
Cognitive linguistics |
Cognitive linguistics |