List of using equipments

In the educational process, faculty of the Department of chemistry, biology and geography use the following computer programs to improve the quality of teaching subjects: Hyperchem, Cam Studio, FreeMake video, Quis FreeMaker, iSpring Free, CorelDRAW, BandiCam, Zoom, Kahoot, Quizizz, GoogleDocs, etc.


To perform independent, practical, educational and research work, students are provided with computer classrooms, reading rooms, and media halls equipped with modern multimedia equipment.
The Institute's media center has the following educational and documentary films:

Group of educational programs

Name of educational and documentary films

B012-Training of chemistry teachers

От полюса до полюса

Мега цунами

Глобальное потепление

80 чудес света

Приключения капли воды

B013-Training of biology teachers

История жизни

Вокруг Света

Мир без Солнца

Живая планета

Чудеса живой природы

Дельфины: Морские спасатели

Мир природы

B016-Training of geography teachers

Путешествие к центру земли

Atlas: Южная Африка

ВВС: Глобальное потепление

Фильмы о природе Казахстана

Живая планета

Океанская Одиссея

Гигантское извержение - Величайшие загадки и нераскрытые тайны

Мир тишины

Великие географические открытия

Приключения капли воды

Путешествие к центру земли

Молния природа наносит ответный удар


Вокруг света

Equipment with computer programs for developing students ' digital competence




Digital biology lab

Human anatomy and basic physiology, Anatomy and physiology of living organisms, plant and animal Biology, Molecular biology and genetics, Zoology, Botany

It is intended for measuring environmental parameters that are important for the existence of living organisms and plants. The laboratory allows you to conduct practical and research works such as "properties of substances", "water Cycle in nature", "Study of the structure of onion skin cells", "animal habitat, Abitotic environmental factors", "Study of the diversity of protozoa", " food Hygiene. Study of the pH of popular beverages", "study of the heating capacity of an anthill", "assessment of stocks of the selected type of medicinal plant", etc. In addition, the set is used for organizing project activities of students.

This laboratory is a set of sensors that are used to measure environmental parameters in turn and a set of equipment for working with micro-products.






Digital geography lab

Geoecology, Fundamentals of soil science and soil geography, Bioresources of Kazakhstan, Geoecology and environmental protection, Climatology, Fundamentals of meteorology and climatology

It is intended for conducting scientific research in the field of environmental monitoring using instrumental methods. The laboratory is equipped with sensors necessary for practical and research work on geography. The following geographical studies and measurements of environmental parameters are carried out: monitoring of the atmosphere (sensors for temperature, acoustic pollution, atmospheric oxygen concentration, carbon monoxide); monitoring of the water environment (sensors for temperature, acidity, and nitrate ion concentration); precipitation monitoring (acidity sensors, nitrate ion concentrations); soil monitoring (preparation of soil solution, soil extract, acidity sensors, nitrate ion concentrations). Laboratory sensors are connected to a personal computer. Software is included with the package. The laboratory provides excellent opportunities for research and design work.






Levenhuk d870t digital microscope (Levenhuk ToupView) 

Human anatomy and basic physiology, Anatomy and physiology of living organisms, plant and animal Biology, Molecular biology and genetics, Zoology, Botany, Microbiology and biotechnology

A digital microscope combines a light microscope and a color digital camera whose optical axis coincides with the optical axis of the microscope. The light microscope can be used without a camera, which is installed in place of the eyepiece after image adjustment. The camera is connected to the computer's USB port. Software support allows you not only to view objects on the computer screen, but also to take photos and videos of the objects being studied. Using a digital microscope in conjunction with a computer allows you to get an enlarged image of a biological object (micro-product) or crystals on the screen of a personal computer monitor or on a large screen using a remote projection device connected to a computer. Digital microscope is used when carrying out the following laboratory works: Preparation of micro specimens of plant cells and examining them under a microscope, the Structure of the bipartite seed and monocotyledonous plants, the study of the external and internal structure of the stem in the finished microscope slide., Structure of flower, Study of the external condition of the root, the study of the external and internal structure of the sheet on ready micropreparations, the Study of the external structure of algae, the Study of the structure of fungi

Study of animal cells and tissues on ready-made micro-preparations and their description, Consideration of micro-preparations of dividing cells, Comparison of plant and animal cells. Diversity of cells, Observation of plant and animal cells, bacteria under a microscope and their description and comparison, Preparation and description of micro-preparations of plant cells, study of chromosomes on ready-made micro-preparations, study of the structure of yeast under a microscope.