Report on the chairs interaction activity with educational and others authorities

Report on the chairs interaction activity with educational and others authorities    

Name of event

Name of the joint institution



2018-2019 academic year


 Development of educational programs

Partnership for the development of educational programs based on the employer's demand (based on a letter of recommendation on the introduction of elective subjects in the educational process)

Y. Altynsarin gymnasium of the Department of education of the akimat of the city of Arkalyk, basic secondary school No. 4

March, 2018

The minutes of the public enterprises social and humanitarian subjects gymnasium named after Y. Altynsarin of the Department of education of akimat of Arkalyk No. 2 of 18.03.2018 G.; letter of recommendation Association of public Humanities in the school No. 4 March, 2018.


Dual training

Karaganda region, Ulytau district, Terisakkan school No. 9

September-may 2018-2019 academic year



Writing scientific articles, participating in conferences




Vestnik magazine of KSU named after sh. Ualikhanov;

University named after Shakarim of Semey city; the University " Turan-Astana» ;

L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian national University; International scientific journal,

"Science and the World" – 0.325 (Global Impact Factor 2013, Australia);

The scientific journal "globe". Impact factor of

scientific publications 2019, March

2018, 2019 year

Vestnik magazine of KSU named after sh. Ualikhanov (№1, № 3 2018));

Collection of materials of the NPC "Shakarim's heritage and world culture", dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of Shakarim Kudaiberdiev (Semey, 2018));

Scientific and practical conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students" revival of national spiritual consciousness and competitive youth "Turan-Astana University" (February 22, 2019);

XIV international scientific conference" Science and education - 2019 " L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian national University

April 12, 2019)


"Formation of scientific competence of future philologists"

Collective monograph

ENU named after L. N. Gumilyov,

Aktobe regional state University. Zhubanova Aktobe


Two thousand eighteen

Collective monograph


Development of works co-authored by the teacher of the school

"Zhazba zhumys turleri" (educational and methodical manual); "Syntax alemine Sayahat" (methodical manual);


SSH im. K. Zharmagambetova of Zhangeldy district of Kostanay region

II half of the 2018-2019 academic year

Co-authors: senior teacher master, I. O. Abdullina, teacher of Kazakh language and literature D. A. Abdullin


Participation in creative competitions

Taraz state University named after M. H. Dulati

17 May, 2019

Republican contest of young poets "Kok Bori-uranim, aybin»

2019-2020 academic year


 Development of educational programs

Partnership for the development of educational programs based on the employer's demand (based on a letter of recommendation on the introduction of elective subjects in the educational process)

School No. 6 named after him. Abay Kunanbayev of the education Department of the Arkalyk city akimat of the education Department of the Arkalyk city akimat



019, 2020gg.

Recommendation letter of the Association of social and humanitarian subjects of Abay Kunanbayev secondary school No. 6 of the education Department of the akimat of Arkalyk (March, 2019; February, 2020).


Academic mobility

KGPI named after U. Sultangazin,


Taraz State Pedagogical University

I-II half-year 2019-2020 academic year

Agreement 13.01.2020



Writing scientific articles, participating in conferences


Aktobe University named after S. Baishev

October 25-26, 2019

International conference on " Great names of the great steppe: Zhalantos Bahadur and national spirituality"


Dual training

Kostanay region, Karasu district, the Lenin school., Amangeldy district, Chastinsky school., Mikulovska school. at the Department of education of the akimat of the city of Arkalyk

September-may, 2019-2020 academic year.



Participation in pedagogical competitions

International Academy of education and science

25-29 December, 2019

International pedagogical competition " best teacher -2019",

Nur-Sultan City


Development of Labor co-authored school teacher

"Types of work with artistic text in Grades 5-7 "( optional course posobie);

"Interesting morphology "(educational and methodological support for optional courses)

Y. Altynsarin gymnasium of the education Department of the akimat of Arkalyk

First half of the 2019-2020 academic year;

II half of the 2019-2020 academic year

Co-authors: senior lecturer master aidarova G. K., teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Chursina E. S.

Co-authors: senior lecturer K. M. Shakirova, teachers of Kazakh language and literature M. K. Aliaskarova, A. A. Baisheva


Participation in subject Olympiads

Zhetysu state University named after I. Zhansugurov

May 20, 2020

XII Republican Online subject Olympiad on the subject "Kazakh language and literature" among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organized under the educational program 6B01701 – "Kazakh language and literature" in the framework of the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev