Scientific and Practical Conference on: "Trilingualism - the basis of competitiveness"



  On November 16, 2018 Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin holds a Republican Scientific and Practical Conference on: "Trilingualism - the basis of competitiveness".

  The purpose of the conference: Within the framework of the program "Looking at the Future: Modernizing the Social Consciousness", to consider and discuss the problems of developing multilingualizm, preservation of the national code and other topical issues identified in the program.

The work of the conference is planned in the following sections:

  1. Teaching subjects of Science in English.
  2. The role of the language, literature, history in preserving the national code, transition to the Latin graphics - the call of time.
  3. The development of digital technologies is the main factor of modern development.
  4. Actual problems of Modern Linguistics and Methods of teaching foreign languages.

Languages ​​of the conference - Kazakh, Russian, English


The volume of materials - 4-6 pages, it should be A4 format. Left, right, top and bottom margins should be 2.00 cm each, text alignment in width, without hyphenation and no page numbering.

Font size throughout the paper should be 14-point in Times New Roman, paragraph indent - 1.0, line spacing - single. The quotes must be in the form «». The examples cited must be shown in italics. Formulas must be executed in the editor Microsoft Equation 3.0, drawings scanned in JPEG format, JPG not less than 300 dpi. The title of the report is centered in bold. Names of authors, affiliations and e-mails should be provided after the title of the paper. If the paper is written in Kazakh, the abstract and key words are written in Russian and English. If the paper is prepared in Russian, an abstract in English and Kazakh should accompany it. Keywords (3-5 words). References to the literature are given in square brackets [source number by list, page number], for example: [5, 123]. The bibliographic list is given at the end of the article. 

To participate in the conference, it is necessary to submit the following materials to the E-mail address of This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the organization committee till November 1, 2018:

  • Application for participation;
  • An article prepared in accordance with the above requirements;
  • A copy of the receipt.

The amount of the contribution of the publication in the collection of the conference is 2500 tenge. The editorial board reserves the right to select articles in the collection. The costs associated with arriving at the conference are provided at the expense of the participants.

Bank details:

Аркалыкский государственный педагогический институт имени И. Алтынсарина

  1. Республика Казахстан, Костанайская область, город Аркалык, ул. Ауельбекова, 17

БИН 990240005309


№ KZ4294807KZT22030789

Отделение №703 филиала №7 АО «Евразийский Банк»

телефон: +7 71430 72488;

факс: +7 71430 70187;



За участие в конференции


Full name


Name of organization, university




Scientific degree, rank


Topic of the article






Contact number




Organization Committee!