International Scientific and Practical Conference "Geographical foundations of sustainable development"

The Department of Geography, Land Management and Cadastre at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University invites you to participate in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Geographical foundations of sustainable development" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences, the Department of Geography, Land Management and Cadastre at al-Farabi Kazakh National University. It is also held in honor of the jubilee of Professors Temirbekov A.T. and Nadyrov Sh.M., and will take place on November 23-24, 2023.

The conference's purpose is to address current issues in geography and sustainable development. The main objective of the conference is to facilitate the exchange of experience in scientific research and discussions on theoretical and applied problems of sustainable development in today's context.
The conference will feature the participation of renowned scholars and practitioners from domestic and international universities and research institutes.
The conference program includes both plenary and sectional sessions.
The work in the sections is planned to cover the following themes:
− Socio-economic, demographic, and geopolitical factors of sustainable development.
− Physical-geographical, geoecological aspects of sustainable development and rational natural resource management.
− Research, technologies, and innovations in land management and cadastre.
− Scientific research in the field of water resources and climate change.
− Recreational and tourist potential in the context of sustainable tourism development.
− Cartography, GIS technologies, and remote sensing for sustainable development.
− Contemporary issues in geographical education and methodology in secondary and higher education.

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