XXIII International Baikonur Readings on the topic: "Innovations in science and education"

Zhezkazgan University named after O.A.Baikonurov together with Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F.Gorbachev invites you to take part in the annual work of the XXIII International Baikonur Readings on the topic: "Innovations in science and education".

The work of the conference is planned in the following areas:
- engineering and technology;
- pedagogy and psychology;
- economics and law;
- ecology and subsoil use.
The conference languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.
The conference will be held on December 1, 2023.
Conference mode: hybrid format- in-person and virtual, online, via the Zoom platform. The conference ID and access code will be sent to your e-mail, specified in your application.
Conference Venue:
Kazakhstan, Ulytau oblast, Zhezkazgan, Baikonurov St., 123, "Zhezkazgan Baikonurov University" JSC, Academician O.A. Baikonurov's Hall.
To participate in the conference, you should submit an application and the text of the report, drawn up in accordance with the attached requirements.
Payment is made after consideration of the article by the organizing committee.
Forms and conditions of contribution, participation in the conference:
1. Presentation of the paper and its publication.
2. Participation as a listener (without presentation).
3. Publication of the paper (virtual participation).
4. Pedagogical sciences
Professors, researchers, teaching staff of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and CIS countries, non-CIS countries, doctoral students, postgraduates and undergraduates are invited to participate in the conference.

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