Research directions

Within the framework of a general academic theme, teachers work on scientific topics:

Kalimzhanova Roza Laikovna - "Syndrome of emotional release of teachers of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan under the conditions of distance learning»
Bizhanova Galiya Koyanbayevna- "Adaptation of the individual to society by the pedagogical system of Ibrai Altynsarin»
Tauekelova Anar Elamanovna- "What is the development of creative potential of students in the educational process" (the basis of the development of creative potential of students in the educational process)
Musirova Gulim Bakhytovna- "Pedagogical and psychological basis for the development of students' cognitive activity in the training of university teachers»
Esirgepova Venera Zhumabekovna- "Pedagogical conditions of legal socialization of children's priyutov»
Seidina Balmuzdak Zikirovna- "Socio-pedagogical technologies of re-education of adolescents with deviant behavior" (socio-pedagogical technologies of transfer of teenagers with deviant history)
Karatayeva Tatyana Olegovna - "Preparation of the future teacher for the development of intellectual and creative potential of the younger schoolboy»
Akylbekova Elmira Akylbekovna- "Scientific aspects of the peculiarities of Family Education")
Smailova Guldana Sarsenbaevna -"Development of the system of professional training of social teachers in Germany and Kazakhstan»
Kakina Dinara Shildebayevna - "Improving the use of interactive technologies in the training of future specialists»
Alimbayev Kanat Seitkasymovich - "Influence of the use of debate technology on the process of training future teachers")