Student self-government of ArkPI

Student self-government plays a significant role in ensuring a high-quality educational environment of the institute.
Within the framework of the functioning of the educational system of the ArkPI, there are three main levels of organization of student self-government:
1. Academic level, where the student community is formed on the basis of a separate academic group of students. At the initiative of student leaders and curators, the elders are elected from among the students of the academic group, who form the Elder at the department. Such associations take part in institute events at various levels.
2. Faculty level - formed from the number of students of the faculty of various courses, where the Student Dean's Office is created. The student dean's office is an important self-governing body at the faculty, which acts with the aim of the clearest organization of the educational process and the implementation of effective communication of students with the dean's office, departments and teachers of the faculty.
Such associations take part in solving problems of various orientations at their level and participate in inter-faculty events of the institute. The executive operational body of the student faculty is the Council of the Student Dean's Office. The Student Dean's Office includes students who are responsible for a specific area: educational, scientific, social, cultural, sports, information.
But so far the work of the departments stands still, without producing definite results. A huge problem on the path of effective development of student self-government in student dean's offices is the previously outdated Statute on student self-government of September 11, 2008, which does not contain the specified clear instructions that would regulate the cooperation of this body with the administration of the university. But now the Regulation is at the stage of development, where the questions of the management structure, the responsibilities of student self-government at all levels are being changed and supplemented.
The Council of the student dean's office is headed by the student dean of the faculty: at the faculty of pedagogy and philology - the 2nd year student Idrisova Dinara, the faculty of history and art - the 3rd year student Yeleu Elugul, the faculty of natural science and informatization - the 4th year student Mametek Ulan.
3. The general institute level is the student government "Zhas Orda", which includes students from all faculties. It is important to note the inextricable link between all three levels of student self-government of the institute. There is a continuity of students at all levels and collective participation in various extracurricular activities:
"Dedication to Students", "Two Stars", "Miss ArkPI", April Fool's Day, "Hello, we are looking for talents!", "Rector's Ball" and many others.
The progressive youth of the institute takes an active part in student forums, festivals, gatherings and other public events.
For special success in studies, active participation in scientific, social work, various forms of moral and material encouragement are established for students. The choice of forms of material incentives is carried out within the available funds. Based on the results of work during the semester, it is envisaged to present especially talented students (cultural, sports, research activities) with memorable gifts, diplomas, letters of thanks
At this level, youth associations of the institute also carry out their activities. These associations are called upon to solve problems of the institute level, often working closely with the administration of the university.
Youth associations of the republican level carry out activities within the framework of the institute in order to implement their tasks related to youth policy. This is a branch of the youth wing of the Nur Otan PDP - Zhas Otan, whose goal is to consolidate the youth of Kazakhstan on the basis of the policy platform of the President of the country in order to ensure a modernization breakthrough in the country's development. The leader is a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Philology - Idrisova Dinara. Activities organized by youth:
the "Symbols of the State" campaign, the "Clean Shore" campaign, the "The Victory of the Leader of the Nation is our victory!" campaign, participation in the celebration of public holidays, including the President's Day and many others. dr.
The main goal of the branch of the Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan: the formation of public awareness as an organization that really solves the legal, socio-economic and everyday problems of student youth and actively participates in the formation of
Independent Kazakhstan. Mametek Ұlan, 4th year student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatization, was elected the leader of the ASK. The annual events were: "Clean Session", "Blindness of Youth", "Down with Spurs!" assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, charity concerts, discos, flash mobs "A world without nuclear weapons", "Beware of a pedestrian!"
Representatives of these associations coordinate their activities with the administration of the institute and their work, one way or another, solves problems within the framework of the concept of educational activity.
1.Social direction. One of the most widespread, to which, in the first place, the primary student trade union organization operating on the basis of the ArkPI should be attributed.
715 students are union members. The student trade union organization has its own representatives at different levels, which are subordinate to the chairman, elected by the students. The trade union committee is engaged in the protection of the rights and social support of students.
The primary student trade union organization is subordinate to the regional committee of trade unions, although in fact, they are under the full control of the university administration. The active trade union committee (trade union organizers of faculties) discusses topical problems of student life concerning faculties, dormitories, and ongoing events. Thanks to the efforts of the trade union committee, proposals were made on the item of expenditure on cultural, sports and recreation work.
About 200 students who showed themselves in studies, scientific work, sports, social activities were awarded with valuable prizes, diplomas, letters of commendation, etc. It has become an annual tradition to hold a forum of the student trade union of the Kostanay region, where annual prizes are awarded in the following nominations: Science they feed young men ”,“ Zhasyl-El ”,“ Your profession chooses you ”,“ Everything is creative, otherwise why ”,“ Let's give our names to records ”.
Also to this direction is the pedagogical team "Line of Success".
On the basis of children's health camps, students of the ArkPI named after I. Altynsarin successfully implement the program of the pedagogical team "Line of Success". The level of training of the counselors allows each shift in the camp to be made especially interesting and varied.
For the best organization of summer recreation for children, in the competition "Children and Summer", through the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was awarded an honorary diploma; Awarded with a diploma of the Department of Tourism, Physical Culture and Sports of Akmola region.
Student Council of the House of Students, which also solve student problems of a social nature within the framework of their competence. Educational work in the hostel is an integral and important part of the educational process at ArkPI. Student self-government of the House of Students is actively developing.
At the beginning of the academic year, students living in the Student House, at an open meeting, elect the student council and its chairman, immediately determine the responsibilities of each student council member, approve the headman on each floor. At the moment, the Chairman of the Student Council of the House of Students No. 1 is Zholaushybay Aizhan, a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Philology, of the House of Students No. 2 - Umirkhan Diana, a 4th year student of the Faculty of Natural Science and Informatization.
According to the approved plan, the student council holds meetings to resolve domestic issues, to maintain internal order (organization of cleaning, shifts), organize and conduct cultural events: "Two Stars", the "Best Room" competition, "The house in which I live" , "Prevention of AIDS prevention", meetings with law enforcement officials, with representatives of the mosque.
2. Creative direction. Covers a large number of students seeking to show their creativity during the period of study. It has been five years since the creative association has existed. M. Dulatov, created on the initiative of the dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Philology, Kaliev A.K., which unites all creative teams: the theater studio "Rukhaniyat", KVN, the school of akyns, the dance group "Aniz", Kөrkem soz. This association has about 100 students.
3. Sports direction. First of all, this should include sports teams of academic, faculty and institute level, operating within the framework of the university. This direction is massive and is organized under the leadership of the sports club "Barys" and the Department of Physical Education and Sports. Sports student teams not only represent their university or faculty at competitions of different levels, but they themselves can initiate sports events.
On the basis of the sports complex ArkPI there are student sections in the following sports: volleyball, basketball, football, Kazaksha kures, tennis, and a gym.
Youth associations noticeably increase the pace of development, this year the Department of Primary and Preschool Education Methodology opened the Naz club, where girls will be brought up in the spirit of national traditions.
On the basis of the club, a school of original education has been formed, which will become a platform for meetings and conversations of the older and modern generations. To participate in the work of the club, public figures, women-deputies are invited, just those women who can share life experience with girls.



Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502