Registrar's Office

Shaimenova Lyazzat
The Head Office of the Registrar
The Head Office of the Registrar
Tel .: 8 (71430) 7-24-88, internal tel: 112
Located in the main building of ArkPI, on the 3rd floor
Brief information:
Office-registrar - carries out control of observance of academic rules and procedures, provides the organization of control of knowledge, registration of all history of educational achievements and calculation of the academic rating of students in all forms of training.
In its activity the Registrar's Office is headed by Resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, acting in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, normative acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, orders and orders of the Director of Education
The main tasks of the Registrar's Office are:
• analysis of academic indicators of sessions, final certifications, control sections of students' knowledge;
• providing accurate academic information to the teaching, teaching and administrative staff;
• maintenance of educational documentation in accordance with credit technology training
• cooperation of registrars and specialists of the department with deans and departments on improving the quality of success and independence of students in the selection of the educational trajectory;
• tracking, analysis and summarization of student learning outcomes throughout the school year;
The registrar's office performs the following
• registration of students on the basis of orders on enrollment, translation, restoration;
• organization of the process of registration and re-registration of students in educational disciplines;
• organization and conduct of control over the knowledge of students;
• determination of the results of the final control of the academic rating of students;
• organization of the summer semester for the liquidation of academic debts and differences in educational programs,
• submission of requests for academic information to the deans, heads of institutes (examination-rating sheets, summary sheets, reports) for analysis and current work;
• schedule of classes;
• schedule of examination sessions;
• schedule of final state certification for full-time, distance and correspondence forms of training;
• reception, registration and storage of student documentation;
• work with students, recovering in HEI, transferred from other HEIs or with one form of training to another, with students graduating from academic leave in the framework of liquidation of differences in academic plans;
• implementation of programs of academic mobility of students;
• information on statistical reporting and compilation of one-time reports of the institute in the form and terms established by official bodies;
• preparation of orders for the personal composition of students, provision of units and faculties with copies of orders and extracts;
• issuance of academic certificates;
• compiling student reports, keeping a database of students;
• Providing students with a certificate of place of demand.
The subdivisions include:
Chief of Office - Registrar
Registrars of the day department
Specialist student documentation
Located in the main building of ArkPI, on the 3rd floor
Brief information:
Office-registrar - carries out control of observance of academic rules and procedures, provides the organization of control of knowledge, registration of all history of educational achievements and calculation of the academic rating of students in all forms of training.
In its activity the Registrar's Office is headed by Resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, acting in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, normative acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, orders and orders of the Director of Education
The main tasks of the Registrar's Office are:
• analysis of academic indicators of sessions, final certifications, control sections of students' knowledge;
• providing accurate academic information to the teaching, teaching and administrative staff;
• maintenance of educational documentation in accordance with credit technology training
• cooperation of registrars and specialists of the department with deans and departments on improving the quality of success and independence of students in the selection of the educational trajectory;
• tracking, analysis and summarization of student learning outcomes throughout the school year;
The registrar's office performs the following
• registration of students on the basis of orders on enrollment, translation, restoration;
• organization of the process of registration and re-registration of students in educational disciplines;
• organization and conduct of control over the knowledge of students;
• determination of the results of the final control of the academic rating of students;
• organization of the summer semester for the liquidation of academic debts and differences in educational programs,
• submission of requests for academic information to the deans, heads of institutes (examination-rating sheets, summary sheets, reports) for analysis and current work;
• schedule of classes;
• schedule of examination sessions;
• schedule of final state certification for full-time, distance and correspondence forms of training;
• reception, registration and storage of student documentation;
• work with students, recovering in HEI, transferred from other HEIs or with one form of training to another, with students graduating from academic leave in the framework of liquidation of differences in academic plans;
• implementation of programs of academic mobility of students;
• information on statistical reporting and compilation of one-time reports of the institute in the form and terms established by official bodies;
• preparation of orders for the personal composition of students, provision of units and faculties with copies of orders and extracts;
• issuance of academic certificates;
• compiling student reports, keeping a database of students;
• Providing students with a certificate of place of demand.
The subdivisions include:
Chief of Office - Registrar
Registrars of the day department
Specialist student documentation
Karataganova Akmaral Bekenovna
Agibaeva Almagul Ualievna
Uaissova Asem Bektasovna
Shaldybaeva Gulnara Nurlanovna
Dabylova Gulbakhyt Serikovna
Mukhamediyar Zina Islambekkyzy
Sapabekova Dinara Korganbekkyzy
Askarbek Symbat Nurlankyzy
A brief historical reference:
Introduction to the educational process of the Institute of Credit Technology Training began in 2003-2004 academic year as an experiment in the specialty 050506 - "Economics".
Since 2004-2005, all 18 specialties of the 1st year of the day department of the institute have been transferred to credit technology training.
The first bachelor's degree in economics was held in 2007 (in 2003).
In 2008, there was a bachelor's degree in all specialties of the day department.
In 2008-2009, the academic year on credit technology is taught to students of 1-4 courses of the daily department in 21 specialties.
Since February 2005, Argypin named after Y. Altynsarina has been functioning as an Registrar's Office.
From March 2010 the Office-Registrar was renamed in the Department of Registration and Testing.
From February 2013, the registration and testing department was renamed to the Office - Registrar.
Introduction to the educational process of the Institute of Credit Technology Training began in 2003-2004 academic year as an experiment in the specialty 050506 - "Economics".
Since 2004-2005, all 18 specialties of the 1st year of the day department of the institute have been transferred to credit technology training.
The first bachelor's degree in economics was held in 2007 (in 2003).
In 2008, there was a bachelor's degree in all specialties of the day department.
In 2008-2009, the academic year on credit technology is taught to students of 1-4 courses of the daily department in 21 specialties.
Since February 2005, Argypin named after Y. Altynsarina has been functioning as an Registrar's Office.
From March 2010 the Office-Registrar was renamed in the Department of Registration and Testing.
From February 2013, the registration and testing department was renamed to the Office - Registrar.