Office of Academic Programs, Methodological and Scientific Work

Saniya Bakitzhanovna

Zhumabayeva Saniya
Head of the office of Academic Programs, Methodological and Scientific Work

Tel: 8 (714-30)7-13-81

Office functions
• Organization of the development of educational programs, their design and submission for approval by the Academic Council.
• Providing the Institute with educational and methodological documentation.
• Organization of preparation, registration and submission of working curricula for approval by the Academic Council.
• Control over the calculation of the academic load, the calculation of the full-time units of the teaching staff and control over the implementation of teaching and methodological work by teachers.
• Preparation of an academic calendar and a semester-week schedule of training sessions for each academic year.
• Preparation of organizational educational and methodological documentation on new training technologies.
• Establishing contacts with other universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and their representative offices in order to improve the organization of the educational process.
• Conducting seminars, meetings and other events on a range of issues within the competence of the Office.
• Participation in the development of long-term comprehensive plans and programs of educational and methodological work.
• Participation in the organization and conduct of methodological seminars.
• Monitoring the implementation by faculties and departments of the Institute's activities, decisions of the Academic Council, orders and orders on educational and methodological work.
• Preparation of draft orders based on the materials of the Academic Council and the Rector's Office on the issues of educational and methodological work at faculties and departments, generalization of the results of these inspections and development of recommendations for improving this work.
• Development of recommendations for improving the educational process and dissemination of best practices.
• Organization of professional practices of students;
• Holding Job Fairs;
• Promotion of professional employment and effective employment of students and graduates of the Institute;
• Providing students and graduates of the Institute with advice and information assistance in building a successful career, professional growth and development;
• Promoting the professional development of students in order to increase their competitiveness in the labor market;
• Assistance to employers in the search and selection of personnel from among the students and graduates of the Institute.
• Interaction with local executive bodies on issues of assistance in the employment of graduates;
• Interaction with JSC "Financial Center" on the employment of graduates who studied under the state educational order;
• Monitoring the employment of graduates;
• Development of current and future research plans;
• Preparation of reporting documentation on the implementation of research plans;
• Analysis of the Institute's research performance indicators;
• Control and analysis of the activities of the Institute's departments in the implementation of research plans;;
• Planning and organization of events aimed at enhancing the scientific activity of the faculty of the Institute, including: organization and holding of scientific and practical conferences, round tables, seminars and other scientific events of a public nature at the institute;;
• Оrganization of participation of the faculty of the institute in scientific events;
• Іnformation and organizational support of students ' research activities;
• Вringing to the attention of the structural divisions of the institute the orders of the management, information about conferences, seminars, competitions and other documents on the organization of research work;
Organizational structure of the office of Academic Programs, methodological and scientific work:
• Manager
• Chief Specialist
• Methodists



Kaldygulova Ainur Salimzhanovna
Methodist of the Office of Academic Programs, Methodological and Scientific Work


Kozhahmetova Gulzat Begalovna
Methodist of the Office of Academic Programs, Methodological and Scientific Work


Tashkenbaeva Samal Abzalbekovna
Methodist of the Office of Academic Programs, Methodological and Scientific Work

Nurgul Alpysova Nurgul Serikovna
Methodist of the Office of Academic Programs, Methodological and Scientific Work


Sapar Ulpan Kaiyrgalikyzy
Methodist of the Office of Academic Programs, Methodological and Scientific Work


Aigisina Dinara Baltabaevna
Methodist of the Office of Academic Programs, Methodological and Scientific Work


Aubakirova Anar Aronovna
Chief Specialist of the Office of Academic Programs, Methodological and Scientific Work


Balykbaeva Gulnara Sharifzhanovna
Head of Professional Practice


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502