Editorial and Design Department

Orazbek agay

Amirbekov Orazbek Amirbekuly
Head of Editorial and Design Department

tel .: 8 (71430) 7 24 88, int. 129. e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Brief information about the department:
The Editorial and Design Department is an independent structural unit of ArkPI and reports directly to the Vice-Rector for International Relations and Development.

Publishing department is an independent department reports directly ArkGPI Vice President for International Relations and Development. In accordance with its tasks publishing department performs the following functions:

  • formation in accordance with the orders of the Training Institute of the Association of the established order of the annual theme of the plan of scientific and educational literature;
  • drafting long-term plans of publications relevant literature, providing a training process;
  • planned publication of manuscripts;
  • edition materials collections conferences held at the Institute;
  • publication of magazines, newspapers and newsletters;
  • the organization and implementation of the review of manuscripts;
  • organization and execution of works on obtaining international standard rooms bookplates (ISBN);
  • conduct consulting and methodical work with a research library and other departments of the Institute for the publication of printed products;
  • develop and submit for approval by the Academic Council "Order publication of monographs, abstracts educational, methodical and scientific literature" with benefits for faculty institute, depending on scientific degree, part-time work at the institute and research sector;

The main objectives of the publishing department are:

 - organization and activities associated with editing and publishing activities of the institute; 

 - implementation of measures aimed at ensuring a high level of printing published production; 

 - the publication of scientific, educational and methodical literature that meets modern requirements and standards; 
 - Issue scientific, reference and other literature necessary to ensure the implementation of the educational process and scientific research institute of scientific fields; 
 - publication of scientific journals and other periodicals, monographs (by fields of science), dictionaries, booklets, newsletters, and other products.

The division includes:

Gulzhanat apay

Tulebaeva Gulzhanat Kabashovna
Layout designer of the editorial and design department


Material and technical base:

The jurisdiction of the editorial and publishing department is duplicating machines, binding equipment, computer equipment, laminating machine, stapler machine.



Formal / guidance documents:
1. Publishing department is guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan Law "On Education", "On Science", "Innovative activity", "On Standardization", "Certification", normative documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, interstate and international standards, the Charter ArkGPI and orders, as well as these Regulations.

All employees entitled to Rio are to perform the duties provided by law and these Regulations. Laying other duties that are not related to the issues of publishing activities are not allowed.



Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502