Phone:  8(71430) 7-24-88 (internal 132)
Auelbekov str., 17

 3rd floor, (301 office)


Kaliev Aibek Kikbaiuly

Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Philology
Scientific degree: candidate of Philological Sciences, Honorary Professor of ArkPI
E-mail: aibek.kaliev@api.edu.kz
The Faculty of Pedagogy and Philology is one of the leading faculties of the Institute. The faculty trains specialists in 11 educational programs. The faculty is equipped with modern technologies. On the basis of the educational program "Pedagogy and Psychology," there is a "Psychological and Pedagogical complex." The complex consists of five centers with specially equipped classrooms: the "Center for Ethnopedagogy and Ethnopsychology," the "Center for Inclusive Education, the "Center for Psychodiagnostics and Counseling," "Center for Pedagogical Mastery," and the "Aksunkar" center.
On the basis of the educational program “Preschool Education and Upbringing,” there is a laboratory center called "Baldyrgan.".
The educational program "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages" includes a language room and a multimedia center.
The “STEM” laboratory operates in the educational program pedagogy and methodology of primary education.
The dean's office of students and various creative and scientific circles are constantly functioning at the faculty. Students of the faculty take part in Republican, regional, and city scientific conferences, cultural events, and sports competitions and take prizes. Special attention is paid to scientific work and educational work at the faculty. Republican, regional, and city scientific conferences, literary, and cultural events are regularly held under the organization of educational programs at the faculty. The staff of the faculty is active in all events and social activities that take place within the institute.

Faculty history
In 1972, the Department of Russian language and literature was established.
The first head of the department was T. Baizhanov.
In 1973, the Faculty of philology and correspondence education, headed by I.I. Shchurin, opened the specialty of Russian language and literature in Kazakh schools, and the first applicants were accepted.
In 1975, the Department of “Russian language and Russian and foreign literature” began to work. Head of the Department - senior lecturer S.A.Rakhmetova.
In 1978, the department was opened on the basis of the specialty teaching the Russian language in Kazakh schools.
In 1990, a two-year accelerated course for training specialists in the Kazakh language and literature was opened. (The first graduates: G.K.Bizhanova, R.Choykeeva, R.K.Nurakhanova etc.)
In 1992, the Faculty of Kazakh language and literature was established. The first Dean was Professor Asset Lamashev.
In 1993, the dean of the Faculty was candidate of philological Sciences, Associate Professor Sh.Abisheva.
In 1993, the English-Kazakh department was opened at the Faculty.
In 1994, the German-Kazakh department was opened.
From 1994 to 1995, the Faculty of Kazakh language and literature was headed by candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor Sh.A.Valikhanov.
1995-1997- candidate of historical sciences K.G.Darkenov headed the Faculty of Kazakh language and literature.
In 2000, the Faculty of Philology was opened, combining the faculties of Kazakh and Russian Philology. The dean of the faculty is S.A.Naushabekov.
From 2002 to 2007, the dean of the Faculty was candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor Sh.A.Valikhanov.
In 2007-2008, the Faculty of pedagogy and philology was established.
In 2008-2009, the dean of the Faculty was held by the senior teacher R.K. Nurakhanova.
Since the first of April, 2009, candidate of philological sciences A.K.Kaliev has been appointed as a dean of the Pedagogy and Philology Faculty


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502