2019-2020 academic year conferences


10 April 2020 in Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute named after Y. Altynsarin was held the international scientific-practical conference "Tulegenova reading-2020" on the topic of "approaches and the actual problems of science and education" organized remotely by the Department of physics and mathematics.

The topic of the conference is very relevant and important, as there is an opportunity to exchange views on such issues as improving the quality of education at all levels, improving the system for evaluating the quality of students, modernizing teacher education, and digitalizing the education system.
The conference was divided into the following sections:
1. Digital educational system in natural Sciences
2. Humanitarian problems and educational prospects
As a result of the conference, an electronic collection of scientific papers was published. The proceedings of the conference included more than 100 reports. The geography of participants includes scientists from Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Hungary and Kazakhstan.


The traditional international scientific and practical conference "Altynsarin readings" was held on February 7, 2020 at the Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute named After I. Altynsarin. This year's conference was devoted to the theme "Improving the quality of education in the context of social and spiritual modernization of society".

The theme of the conference is very relevant and important, as it finds a logical harmony with the context of the ideas of the great educator Ibray Altynsarin in the state educational system of our state.
The purpose of the conference: to identify key areas for improving the quality of education in the context of updating the content of education, social and spiritual modernization of society.
The same opening of the conference was held in the Assembly hall of the main building of the Arkspi. With a welcoming speech: rector of Arched.of Geographical Sciences, Professor Kuanyshbayev Seitbek Bekenovich, Deputy akim of Arkalyk city Aubakirov Tubekbai Absalikov.
During the plenary session, speakers were: Kertayeva Galiyabanu Makhmetovna, PhD., Professor of the Department of "Technical physics"of the Eurasian national University L.N. Gumileva, with the report "Тіл меңгерте оқыту – қоғамның әлеуметтік және рухани жаңаруының кепілі"; Botalova Olga Borisovna, PhD., associate Professor of the Higher school of pedagogy of Pavlodar state pedagogical University, with the report "Развитие научно-исследовательской деятельности студентов как фактор повышения качества образования".; Aspanova Gulmira Ramazanovna doctor of Economics, associate Professor "Higher pedagogical school" in Pavlodar state pedagogical University ("Использование видеоблогинга в образовательном процессе как средство повышения мотиваии к обучению"); Kaliev Aibek Kiekbaev k.f.n., Professor, Dean of Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute named after Y.Altynsarin ("Білім мазмұнын жаңарту – білім сапасының кепілі"); Kalimzhanova Roza Likovna PhD, associate Professor, acting associate Professor. Head of the Department of Pedagogy and psychology of the Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute. Altynsarina ("Повышение качества образования через повышение уровня проефссиональной компетентности учителя")
Within the framework of the international conference, 2 sections were organized in various areas:
1 / Actual problems of improving the quality of education in natural-mathematical and technical Sciences.
2 / The Role of Social Sciences and Humanities in the conditions of social and spiritual modernization of society. 168 reports were heard in the sections.
The conference was held in full-time and in absentia. As a result of the conference, an electronic collection of scientific papers was published. The collection of conference materials includes more than 170 reports. The geography of participants includes representatives of educational institutions in Russia, Kazakhstan, Germany, and Hungary.
In modern conditions of education renewal, many issues of its improvement are being solved. Among them, the priority is to improve its quality as the most important problem in the education system and as an urgent issue for the modernization of educational activities, for improving the pedagogical process.
This conference has become a kind of discussion platform designed to provide an opportunity to exchange views on such topical issues as improving the quality of education at all levels, improving the system of assessing the quality of students, modernizing teacher education, and digitalizing the education system.


On November 13, 2019, teachers and students of the Department of Physics of Mathematics at the ArkPI named after I. Altynsarin took part in the online VIII All-Russian scientific and methodological conference “Information Technologies in Mathematics and Mathematical Education”, which took place in Krasnoyarsk. Conference partners: Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnoyarsk Territory; Institute of Computational Modeling SB RAS; Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin; International GeoGebra Institute.

The conference is held as part of the VIII International Scientific and Educational Forum "Man, Family and Society: History and Prospects of Development" and is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor Larin Sergey Vasilyevich.
The purpose of the conference is to unite the efforts of scientists, researchers, teachers and educators, graduate students, students and students of secondary schools using information technology in basic mathematical research and mathematical education.
The following issues were discussed at the conference: computer algebra and graphics systems, supercomputer computing in basic research in mathematics; computer systems and traditional mathematical courses in higher education; risks in the mathematical training of schoolchildren and students in the conditions of informatization of society and education; open scientific problems in mathematics and computer science and the research activities of students and schoolchildren; the use of dynamic geometry and mathematical systems in solving problems of entertaining, school and non-elementary mathematics; the role of dynamic geometry systems in research, visual and interactive teaching of schoolchildren, in the development of their thinking; new educational areas related to the integration of dynamic geometry systems in the curriculum of schools.
During the online conference, reports were made by the Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatization of ArkGPI Umbetov Abilkhan Umbetovich, the topic of the report "Method for calculating the propagation of laser radiation through a composite crystalline lens"; teachers of the secondary school of the city of Arkalyk Saken Dinar, Kubekov Symbat with the theme of the report "Mathematical Modeling as a Learning Tool"; Sarsembaeva Rosa Zholdybaykyzy with the report "The use of ICT in mathematics as a means of forming functional literacy."



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