Secretary of the Academic Council

Galymzhanova Galymzhanova Zaure Toishybekovna

Secretary of the Academic Council

Scientific Secretary shall:
1. At the end of each academic year make a plan of work of the Scientific Council for the next academic year, taking into account the proposals of the Chairman of the Scientific Council, his deputy, vice-rectors, heads of departments and other members of the Scientific Council. The plan is considered by the Chairman of the Academic Council and approved at a meeting of the Academic Council.
2. Establish control over the timely and qualitative implementation of the work plan and the decisions of the Academic Council.
3. Organize the preparation of the Academic Council meeting:
- inform the date, time and agenda of the meeting to the members of the Scientific Council and the persons invited to the meeting (heads of departments);
- select and recommend to the Chairman of the Scientific Council members of the board on the preparation of the item for the meeting of the Academic Council. Submitted to the Chairman of the Academic Council the text of the report, decision of board on the item and the draft decision of the Academic Council, jointly prepared by the reporter and the board.
4. During the meeting of the Academic Council:
- register persons present at the meeting (members of the Academic Council and invited) and inform the Chairman of the Scientific Council about the quorum;
- prepare and distribute ballots (in the presence list - in front of his name) to all members of the Academic Council, present at the meeting, one ballot (for each issue put to a secret ballot);
- to count the votes of the members of the Academic Council, participating in open voting when adopting specific solutions;
- keep minutes of meetings of the Academic Council.
5. Check the correctness of the declaration for a list of research and teaching activities of teachers for the competition committee, dissertation councils, the Academic Council of the Institute, HAC RK.
6. In order to implement the decisions of the Academic Council within 7 days prepare the necessary extracts from the minutes of meetings for the subsequent rapid referral to the structural units of the Institute, the performers, as well as to prepare drafts of the relevant orders of the rector.
7. Maintain all documentation of the Academic Council in accordance with the rules of office, to ensure its safety and transfer to the archive.
8. To organize the preparation and holding the general meeting of the Institute: to collect lists of delegates elected in subdivisions; forming board for the meeting for the election of a new Scientific Council; delegate registration, preparation of ballots; forming the technical staff of meetings and proposals for the list of the counting committee, regulation of the meeting; maintain its protocol, storage and delivery of documents to the archive in accordance with the instructions on record keeping.
9. Prepare for placement on the institute's Web site information on the activities of the Academic Council of the Institute.
10. The Chairman of the Academic Council shall have the right to entrust the scientific secretary other duties, not inconsistent with law, the Charter of the Institute, the Regulations on Academic Council.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502