Office phone:  8(71430) 7-24-88 (internal – 137)
Auelbekov str., 17

4th floor, (room 404)


Konkina Gulbarshin Spanovna

Dean of the Faculty of History and Art
Scientific degree: Candidate of Philosophy, Professor ArkPI
E-mail: gul.konkina@api.edu.kz
The formation and development of the faculty consisted of several stages, closely connected with the history of the establishment of the institute in 1972. At this time, the departments of “Fine Graphics”, “Philology and History” and “History and Economics” were created at the institute.
As a result of the merger of the above faculties, the Faculty of History and Art was created in 2007. The leaders and teaching staff made a great contribution to the history of the development and education of the faculty. In particular, professor A.G Pereverzev, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Art History, member of the Union of artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan B.E. Ospanov, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, associate professor Z.Sh.Koldasbaeva, candidates of Historical Sciences S.A. Bagdatova, Z.Sh. Aitkenov, B.K Kosayakov, K.G Darkenov, candidates of pedagogical sciences, associate professors Sh.T Tolegenov, S.Zh Turikpenova, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor ArkPI G.S Konkina as well as senior teachers: Zh.K Nurkanov, R.Z Aymagambetuly and others made a great contribution to the development of the faculty.
As a result of their educational and scientific activities, the quality of education has improved, the number of students has increased, and the number of specialties studied by students has increased.
Faculty pays special attention to the educational process, the quality of education, as well as the scientific work of students and teachers. Our faculty provides the Torgay and Kostanay regions with the necessary teaching staff.
Faculty considers its main task to be training highly qualified specialists, where the emphasis is on high-quality training of future specialists.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502