Phone: 8(71430) 7-24-88 (internal – 127)
Address: Auelbekov Street, 17
5th floor, (504 office)
The direction of the research work of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatization is to improve the training of flexible specialists in natural sciences in the context of a society based on knowledge and science.
1 Research and development project has been funded at the Faculty on a contractual basis with research institutions. As part of this, joint research work with employers will be carried out.
This academic year, the faculty's scientists have published 53 scientific articles, including 8 articles by the teaching staff in 34 international publications, journals included in the Scopus and WOS database.
The faculty has an Information Technology Center. The Information Technology Center is equipped with modern Arduino hardware and software and the Fischertechnik Advanced designer.
The Information Technology Center is working to popularize new information technologies, coordinate and develop interdisciplinary innovative projects, and develop students' interest in modern technologies.
According to the R&D program, students participated in conferences and national competitions of scientific projects, won prizes. Students annually participate in the Start-Up business project competition of our institute, receive prizes and a solid financial reward.
There are 5 scientific circles at the faculty. Student Scientific circle (SSC) is a form of organization of research activities of students, manifested in attracting students to scientific research, participation in student scientific events of various levels. The main purpose of the SSS is to create and develop favorable conditions for the creative development of students, the formation of their critical thinking and the disclosure of research potential.
Academic mobility is the transfer of students for a certain academic period (semester, year) to another higher educational institution (within the country or abroad) to receive education with mandatory recalculation of educational programs mastered in accordance with the established procedure in the form of loans at their own university. The purpose of academic mobility is to unite (join, enter) into the global educational space.
From May to October 2023, 3rd year students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatization of the Institute completed an international internship in the field of Chemistry-Biology on the basis of one of the large Polish companies Prima Vega. The internship was organized within the framework of the signed cooperation agreement between the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I.Altynsarin and the International Academy of Applied Sciences in Lomzha.
Educational work with students is the main part of a teacher's professional activity and cannot be separated from the education system. The curators conduct the work of each group of the department for two semesters from the beginning of the academic year according to the approved plan.
Students, under the guidance of the Dean of the faculty, work together and actively participate in various events at the city, regional, and institute levels. The faculty's activities are conducted in five areas. In particular, information and analytical, organizational and methodological support of educational work, measures of civil-patriotic and legal education, legal education and crime prevention, measures of spiritual education.
The main purpose of educational work is to form students' civic responsibility and self–awareness, spirituality and culture, initiative and the ability to successfully socialize in society.
Study hours are conducted jointly with curators during extracurricular hours.
With the organization of the intra-faculty student union "SU ZHAF" for educational work in September, work began on creating a cultural environment, strengthening the moral and circle activities of "EnqDom", the volunteer organization "Amanat", clubs and circles "Reading", "ZHARYK". The aesthetic potential of youth.
№ |
The name of the audience |
Audience number |
1 |
Multimedia classroom complex |
203 (А,B), 204, 225, 226. |
2 |
Lecture hall |
205 |
3 |
Information Technology Center |
№11 |
№ |
The name of the audience |
Audience number |
1. |
Physical geography |
525 |
2 |
General research |
526 |
3 |
Methods of teaching geography |
527 |
The audience of the educational programs "Mathematics", "Mathematics and Physics", "Mathematics and Computer Science", "Physics", "Physics and Computer Science".
№ |
The name of the audience |
Audience number |
1 |
Methodical study of mathematics |
№509 |
2 |
Tolegenov's M.O. office |
№510 |
3 |
Laboratory of Radio Electronics and Astronomy |
№511 |
4 |
Laboratory "General Physics course" |
№512 |
5 |
Office of the basics of work equipment |
№514 |
6 |
The office of the SIW |
№513 |
7 |
Laboratory of Quantum Optics |
№515 |
8 |
Laboratory technique of school experiment |
№517 |
9 |
Mechanics Audience |
№518 |
10 |
Cabinet of electricity and magnetism |
№519 |
11 |
The cabinet of mathematical logic |
№520 |
12 |
The Algebra room |
№521 |
13 |
The cabinet of mathematical analysis |
№522 |
14 |
Geometry Room |
№523 |
15 |
The classroom of school mathematics |
№524 |
The laboratory "Radio Engineering, Electronics and Astronomy" is equipped with an astronomical telescope, a standard set of educational equipment "fundamentals of electrical engineering and electronics", interactive whiteboards and computer kits.
In accordance with the curriculum, the laboratory of quantum optics is equipped with the following equipment: geometric optics, polarization, interference, diffraction, "Measurement of the coefficient of internal friction of air and the average length of freedom", "Determination of the viscosity coefficient of a liquid by the falling ball method", "Atwood Machine" FM-11, "Maxwell Pendulum" FM-12, "Oberbeck's pendulum" FM-14, etc.
The laboratory of school practice technology is equipped with devices for familiarizing the student with measuring instruments and methods of physical measurements and a laboratory complex for educational, practical and project activities in physics "(LCF)".
Standard sets of equipment "Physics – electricity and magnetism" in the laboratory of the general physics course, educational equipment interaction of charged particles with matter. Determination of the path of β-decay electrons by absorption, "experimental determination of the half-life of a long-lived isotope", established using educational laboratory facilities, etc.
The laboratory of the basics of robotics is the main set of Lego Education LEGO MINDSTORMS, aimed at introducing modern scientific and practical technologies into the educational process, the LEGO Education LEGO MINDSTORMS resource set, a special 2430*3240 mm combat site, Ubtech ALPHA Pro robot, mBot Ranger robot from Makeblock, etc.
The audience of the educational programs "Chemistry", "Biology", "Chemistry and Biology"
№ |
Аудитория атауы |
Аудитория нөмірі |
1 |
Бейорганикалық, аналитикалық, физикалық және коллоидтық химия зертханасы |
№503 |
2 |
Микробиология және биотехнология зертханасы
№530 |
3 |
Органикалық және биологиялық химия, химиялық технология зертханасы |
№531 |
4 |
Зоология зертханасы |
№504 |
5 |
Экология және тұрақты даму кабинеті |
№505 |
6 |
Ботаника зертханасы |
№403 |
7 |
Химия және биологияны оқыту әдістемесі кабинеті |
№506 |
8 |
Анатомия және адам және жануарлар физиологиясы зертханасы |
№507 |
Химиялық зертханалар мен құрал-жабдықтар: «Бейорганикалық, аналитикалық, физикалық және коллоидтық химия» зертханасы Интерактивті тақта, Зертханалық муфель пеш, Термостат, Кептіргіш шкаф, рН-метр, Электронные весы, Фотометр фотоэлектриқалық, Центрифуга, Портативті бу автоклавы, Магниттік араластырғыш Аквадистиллятор, Магниттік-маркерлік тақта (жылжымалы).
Биологиялық зертханалар мен құрал-жабдықтар: «Микробиология және биотехнология зертханасы», «Ботаника зертханасы», «Зоология зертханасы» «Ғылыми ойын-сауық» сандық далалық биология зертханасы, «Экология және тұрақты даму кабинеті», оптикалық, биологиялық сандық микроскоп, Дербес компьютер, Центрифуга-вортекс, Электрондық таразы, Механикалық бұралу таразылары, Бактерицидті сәулелендіргіш, Электрондық фотометр, Су моншасы, Зертханалық магниттік араластырғыш, Электрондық таразы, Магниттік маркер тақтасы, Интерактивті панель, Дыбыс динамиктері, Препараттар, Микроскоптар, т.б.