Center for Social Issues and Youth Policy


Batyrova Zulfiya Nikolaevna
Supervisor of the Center for Social Issues and Youth Policy

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address: 110300, Arkalyk, st. Auelbekova, 17, office 229
Tel .: 8 (71430) 7-24-88, internal phone - 136
Mobile phone: +77014055433

The Center for Social Issues and Youth Policy is a structural subdivision of the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin.
The purpose of the Center's activities: the implementation of the Institute's youth policy aimed at creating conditions for successful socialization and self-realization of young students, promoting the transformation of the university into the largest youth center in the region.

The main objectives of the Center are:

  • creation of an optimal socio-cultural environment aimed at the development of moral and spiritual values in the conditions of modern life;
  • preservation and enhancement of the traditions of the Institute, promotion of its history, symbols, prestige of education in the NAO "ArkPI";
  • creating conditions for the realization of students' creative potential;
  • providing opportunities for students to play sports;
  • promotion of a healthy lifestyle and involvement of young people in mass sports;
  • providing social support and protection of the interests of students, including categories of students from among orphans and children left without parental care, students with disabilities;
  • assistance in ensuring the successful adaptation of first-year students to the conditions of educational activity, psychological and legal readiness for future professional activity;
  • assistance in providing pedagogical support and support of youth initiatives in all areas of educational activities of the university;
  • contributing to the development of student self-government at the Institute;
  • implementation of activities for the creation and operation of creative studios, groups, youth clubs, sports clubs;
  • development and implementation of programs and projects in the field of youth policy;
  • development of a system of moral and material incentives for students and staff for active participation in public life, contribution to the education of young people;
  • timely informing students about the planned and current activities of the Center for Social and Youth Policy;
  • • organization of work on the prevention of offenses among students.

 Employees of the Office of Educational Work


Tursynbekova Diana Mukashevna


Duzbay Nurym Maratovich


Ismailova Simbat Nurlanovna


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502