p/ p


EEC recommendations

Recommendations follow-up


Responsible for execution


Consider the possibility of real and virtual involvement of qualified specialists, doctors of sciences from near and far abroad for classes and joint research

1. Publication of the main results of research activities together with representatives of a foreign partner university (University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Trnava, Slovakia, OP “Musical Education”);

2. Issue of catalogs of joint creative works with foreign universities (Pamukalle University, Denizli, Turkey), Nizhnevartovsk State University (Nizhnevartovsk, Russia, OP “Visual Arts and Drawing”);

3. Conducting virtual master classes, studio, laboratory classes (Nizhnevartovsk State University, Russia, OP “Art and Drawing”);

4. Publication of the main results of the research activities of the teaching staff of the Faculty of Physical Education Physical Education and Sports together with representatives of a foreign partner university (St. Cyril and Methodius University, Slovakia. South Ural State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk, Russia);

5. Attracting Doctors of Science from the Tyumen State University to give lecture courses in special disciplines of the Physical Education and Sport

2018 year














2019 year

Head of Department


To identify promising topics in the teaching methodology of academic disciplines accredited by the EP. In particular, in order to develop and strengthen the subject-specific competence of the OP “Musical Education”, consider the possibility of introducing such disciplines as: “Oratory of the teacher-musician”, “Workshop of the school-song repertoire”, “Criteria-based assessment technologies”, “Research methods” , “Choirmaster craftsmanship”, for the OP “Fine Art and Drawing” - “Fundamentals of Design”

OP 5V010600-Musical education to introduce the following disciplines: “Teacher's speech culture” (5th semester, 2 credits), “Pedagogical excellence” (5th semester, 2 credits), “Criteria assessment technologies” (4 semester, 2 credits), “Research methods ”(5th semester, 3 credits),“ Choirmaster craftsmanship ”(1-7 semester, 7 credits);

OP 5V010700-Visual Arts and Drawing - “Design Basics” (6th semester, 3 credits)


Head of Department


Consider the possibility of creating a unified corporate mail with personal addresses for all employees and students of the institute.

1. Creation of mail under a single api.kz domain for faculty and department heads.


2018 year

Center for Information Technology and Software


Consider the possibility of a KPI system;

Placing an electronic library on the university’s website (providing users with remote access via the corporate network and through the university’s website www.api.kz)


Head of Department


Consider the possibility of providing the OP “Musical Education” with achievements in musicology over the past 5 years.

1. Search for the necessary literature on the OP "Musical Education" in price catalogs;

2. Application processing

3. The offer of literature in the IBC






Head of Department,

director of IBK


To harmonize the content of educational programs with similar educational programs of other foreign and Kazakhstani universities.

Pamukalle University (Denizli, Turkey) (“virtual” participation in an international art exhibition, the issue of joint catalogs) of the OP “Fine Art and Drawing”


Head of Department

Nizhnevartovsk State University (Russia) (online master classes, studio and laboratory classes) of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Drawing


Tyumen State University, Institute of Physical Culture (online master classes, seminars, development of joint teaching materials)


KazNPU named after Abay and ZhenPU (consideration of TUPs, coordination of elective disciplines) OP "Visual Arts and Drawing", OP "Musical Education"


ZhGU named after I.Zhansugurov (conducting master classes, competitions, issuing joint catalogs)


Kostanay State Pedagogical University (consideration of TUPs, coordination of elective disciplines) OP “Musical education”, OP “Fine art and drawing”.



Creation of a “virtual lecture hall” with recordings of various concerts, festivals, competitions of folk and classical music in order to form the aesthetic experience and competence of the musician teacher.

1. To establish a relationship with the Kurmangazy Conservatory, the National University of Arts.

2. Acquisition of discs with recordings of various concerts, festivals, contests

3. The use of discs with recordings in the educational process.


Head of Department


To identify promising topics in the methodology of teaching academic disciplines accredited EP.

Conducting research on the following topics:

OP “Musical education” “Fundamentals of pedagogical mastery of music education”

OP “Fine Art and Drawing” “Pedagogical Foundations of Teaching Fine Art”

OP "Physical Culture and Sports" "Research activities in the process of physical education"

"Methodology of teaching the basic disciplines of the school curriculum"







Head of Department


Consider the possibility of attracting sponsor funds to pay for the training of students of the OP “Musical Education”, “Visual Arts and Drawing”

Meeting with members of the Alumni Association, conducting joint events with them


Head of Department


Develop a research program

1. Definitions of the topic of SRWS

2. Development of goals, objectives

3. Preparation of the NIRS program

4. Attracting students

5. Organization of a joint research work with students of KSPU OP “Musical education”, OP “Visual art and drawing”.






Head of Department


Provide information on the implementation of programs on internal and external academic mobility of students

1. Relationship with other universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad.

2. Familiarization of students with the "Regulation on Academic Mobility" of the OP "Visual Arts and Drawing", OP "Musical Education"

3. The selection of students of the OP “Visual Arts and Drawing”, OP “Musical Education”

4. A meeting of students who have passed academic mobility with students of 2-3 courses



in the month of April


Head of Department


To intensify the educational process, consider the possibility of supplementing the physical and technical base of the Physical Culture and Sports EP with a portable interactive whiteboard Smartboard, as well as purchase special equipment to improve the technique of sports games (basketball, volleyball, football, etc.), for example, an attacker simulator strike (volleyball); for the ski base - modern high-quality ski equipment included.

Include in the public procurement plan the acquisition of:

- portable interactive whiteboard Smartboard

- simulator for attacking strike (volleyball)

- modern high-quality ski equipment included



University leadership

Head of Department


Continue work on the development of the staff potential of the teaching staff of each of the EPs of this cluster

1. Training of teachers through targeted training in the magistracy and doctoral studies of OP "Musical Education".

2. Invitation of masters to work at the institute of OP “Musical education”, OP “Fine art and drawing”

3. Passing courses of teaching staff of the OP “Musical education”, OP “Fine art and drawing”:

“Orleu” - 2 (1- OP “Musical Education”, 1-OP “Fine Art and Drawing”)

“Orleu” (far abroad) - 2 (1- OP “Musical education”, 1-OP “Visual art and drawing”)

NISH - 3 (1- OP “Musical Education”, 2- OP “Fine Art and Drawing”)



Head of Department

Participation in concert events of OP "Musical education".


scientific conferences

-participation in the competition for state scholarship




To develop and implement a KPI system in order to stimulate the professional and personal development of teaching staff;

Development and implementation of a system for stimulating and evaluating the work of faculty and staff of the institute.


2018 year


Vice-rector for academic and scientific work


In order to develop human resources and ensure the effectiveness of teaching, continue to work to attract practitioners to the educational process

1. According to the OP “Music Education”, continue to work with practical teachers:

- Multirikova Zh.I. in the following disciplines: “Theory of music”, “Orchestra”, “The main musical instrument is kobyz”, “Choral conducting”

- Eleupova K.T. - “Vocal and instrumental accompaniment”, “Choral class”, “Choral conducting”

2. According to the EP "Physical Culture and Sports" continue to work with teachers and practitioners: Shpileva A.I. “Theory and Methods of Children and Youth and Professional Sports”, A. Sarybaev "Cossack Kuresi"


Head of Department


To intensify the conduct of academic consultations by teachers through personalized interactive resources.

Consultations by teachers of the OP “Music Education”, OP “Visual Arts and Drawing” through the following programs: “Platonus”, distance learning, e-mail, Twiterr, Facebook, WhatsApp


Head of Department


Replenish the library fund with modern educational and methodological publications

1. Search for the necessary literature on the EP “Musical education”, “Physical education and sport” in price catalogs;

2. Registration of the application.

3. Updating the library fund of annual literature in the IBC

For specialty 5В010600- “Music Education” - 10%, 5В010700- “Fine Art and Drawing” - 10%

5В010800 “Physical education and sport” - 10%



Head of Department


Implement a program for the examination of the results of research and thesis on plagiarism.

Acquisition of the Anti-Plagiarism Program


University leadership


Seek the opportunity to organize and conduct special seminars on the introduction of the latest teaching methodologies and technologies

Conducting seminars for teachers of urban and rural schools on the topic "Innovative and technological opportunities for teaching disciplines" OP "Musical education", OP "Visual art and drawing"

Full time

Head of Department


To expand the involvement of employers and graduates in the educational process, which will allow to form the necessary professional competencies of graduates, make adjustments to them and help to obtain practical skills of students

1. Participation of representatives of employers in the meetings of the departments on the development and implementation of educational programs of the EP “Musical Education”, OP “Visual Arts and Drawing”.

2. Participation in the work of collegial bodies of employers on issues of making proposals in the developed educational programs of specialties and the course of their implementation of the OP “Musical Education”, OP “Fine Art and Drawing”.

3. The introduction of employers in the working groups for the development of educational programs of specialties and the definition of requirements for the result of training of the EP "Musical Education", OP "Visual Arts and Drawing".

4. A survey of employers and graduates in order to determine the relevance and relevance of the disciplines of OP "Music Education", OP "Visual Arts and Drawing", learning outcomes


Head of Department


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502