Tulegenova Anar Kabdygaliyevna

Anar apaiFull name - Tulegenova Anar Kabdygaliyevna
Position - Senior Lecturer, master's degree
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel.nom: 87011213124
Teaching disciplines – Physics of the atom and the atomic nucleus, practical work on solving physics problems, Quantum mechanics, methods for solving complex problems in physics.
Academic - master of science
Name of specialty – 6B011000-Physics, 5B012600-Mathematics - Рhysics;
Qualification, professional retraining
1. 2009 Certificate. Almaty, KazEU.
2. 2012 Certificate. Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kazakh state women's pedagogical University. Advanced training courses for teachers" methods of teaching electricity and magnetism".
3. 2016 certificate "Nazarbayev Intellectual schools", graduated from the training courses for trainers under the program of additional professional education for graduate students of higher educational institutions that train teachers, developed on the basis of level programs for advanced training of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the volume of 232 academic hours.4. 2016 Certificfte. Successfuiiycompieted the Philosophy of Globalization and European integration processes
5. 2017 Certificfte of achievement this certificate is issued to confirm successful achievement of English level Deginner A1.
6. Two thousand eighteen Certificate. Confirms the completion of advanced training courses in the field of information technology in the amount of 72 hours on the topic "technologies of digitalization of education".
7. 2019zh. Certificate. Arkspi and Smolensk state University of the Ministry of science and higher education of the Russian Federation. Confirms completion of 120 hours of advanced training courses on the topic "Digital technologies in STEM education".
length of service – 24 years
length of service on specialty -24 years
Number and (name) of scientific papers – Scopus -2, Republican– 17, international– 24, VAK-4, Abroad-13
І. Scopus-2
1. Laser Measuring Apparatus Based on Using Bifocal Lenses IEJME — MATHEMATICS EDUCATION 2016, VOL. 11, NO. 6, 1945-1959 15 стр. 0,93 б.т.
2. Calculation of the Laser Beam Path through the Anisotropic Crystalline Lens IEJME — MATHEMATICS EDUCATION 2016, VOL. 11, NO. 6, 2025-2046 22 стр. 1,37 б.т.
1. The main task of the education system is the national value – the basis of Education. Republican scientific and practical conference" «Алтынсарин оқулары-2011» "on the topic" problems of national education in the context of globalization " 14-15 October 2011 Volume III.
2. Republican scientific and practical conference" Altynsarin readings-2011 "on the topic" problems of national education in education in the context of globalization " 14-15 October 2011 Volume III.
3. Organization of the educational process Education-the driving force in the qualitative formation of National Human Capital Republican scientific and practical conference "Altynsarin readings-2012" 5.10.12
4. General methods of solving physical problems "innovative directions in the development of the education system of Kazakhstan" Republican scientific and practical conference "Tulegenov readings" April 12, 2013, Arkalyk
5. Geometric constructions in space "innovative directions in the development of the education system of Kazakhstan" Republican scientific and practical conference "Tulegenov readings" April 12, 2013, Arkalyk
6. Republican scientific and practical conference on the topic: the importance of experimental problems in Physics "modern education system: from practice to the future ""Tulegenov readings" April 11, 2014
7. Republican scientific and practical conference on the topic: methods of teaching equations with the module "modern education system: from practice to the future" "Tulegenov readings" April 11, 2014.
8. Formation of the educational process in a small school. Republican scientific and practical conference"methodological and methodological problems of modern teaching in small complex schools"," Altynsarin readings - 2014".
9. Republican scientific and practical conference on the topic of the Department of electrodynamics scientific bases of experimental report "innovative processes in the education system of Kazakhstan" "Tulegenov readings" April 10, 2015
10. Republican scientific and practical conference "innovative processes in the education system of Kazakhstan" "Tulegenov readings" April 10, 2015."
11. Parameters for determining students ' mathematical abilities in grades 5-6 with the help of interesting problems "innovative processes in the education system of Kazakhstan" Republican scientific and practical conference "Tulegenov readings" April 10, 2015.
12. Implementation of critical thinking strategies in the educational process" development of research competencies of students in the modern educational process " Republican scientific and practical conference February 25, 2016 Part I
13. Application of combinatorics elements in problem solving "development of research competencies of students in the modern educational process" Republican scientific and practical conference February 25, 2016 I part.
14. Republican scientific and practical conference "Ibrai readings -2016: Y. Altynsarin-the key figure of the Kazakhstan secular education system", dedicated to the 175th anniversary of I. Altynsarin 20.10.2016
15. Method of formation of cognitive interest of students in teaching mathematics "Altynsarin readings – 2019" Republican scientific and practical conference "training of competitive teaching staff in the context of updating and modernizing the content of Education". January 31, 2019
16. Development of functional literacy of students in mathematics lessons" Altynsarin readings – 2019 "Republican scientific and practical conference" training of competitive teaching staff in the context of updating and modernizing the content of Education " January 31, 2019
17. Methodology of solving problems of probability theory and mathematical statistics in MS Excel material "digital education: features and development process" with the participation of foreign scientists within the framework of the "2019 –year of Youth" Republican forum 15 November 2019.
1. Differentially Tegeler gysn Sesa Zholdary "IX STBEET OKULARY" materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren. Volume 4 "Jas Alemdar" 2 section Pavlodar, 2009.
2. Ways to master innovative technologies globalization: problems of political system, Economy, Science and modernization of Education. Kostanay, 2008
3. Articleland matematichny Ornan the special"IX STBEET OKULARY" Atta proceedings of the international scientific conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren Volume 4 "Jas Alemdar" 2 section Pavlodar, 2009
4. Mathematical works of Al-Farabi material "IX Satpayev Readings" international scientific conference of young scientists, students and schoolchildren. Volume 4 "young scientists" 2 Division Pavlodar 2009
5. International scientific and Practical Conference "best practice in self-knowledge and pedagogical skills: achievements,relevance" on the education of students in mathematics lessons from the point of view of comprehensive self-development.April 28-29, 2010
6. International scientific and practical conference"socio-pedagogical and psychological use of gifted children in the process of Continuing Education" on the learning of computer solving problems in the school course. G. Nodded., February 14, 2013
7. "Electrodynamics negizderi" boyynsha shygarmashylyk esepterdin manyzdylygy "Problems of improving teaching mathematics, physics and computer science at school and University" Mat.inter.scientific-practical. Conf. Almaty, KazNPU named after Abaya,2014
8. Scientific bases of experimental calculations on the Department of electrodynamics material"Shokan OKULARY-19" international scientific conference Kokshetau. Kokshetau State UniversitySh. Ualikhanova 17-18 April, Volume 4.2015.
9. Features of formative assessment methods for young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren material "Khui Satpayev Readings" international scientific conference Volume 21. Pavlodar 2016
10. Electrodynamics taruna aceptar Ciara gallerymetadata scientific-practical conference "Youth, science and innovation", devoted to 25-anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 50th anniversary of Aktobe regional state University. K. Zhubanov April 8-9, 2016
11. Ciarmella tapirmon of orinda-tbethe IMIS Steege trueleo galimardanova scientific-practical conference "Systemany modernization of pedagogical education of the Republic of Kazakhstan: problems and solutions" on may 26-27, 2016. Almaty
12. Development of creative abilities of students using the technology of developing critical thinking "modern economy and problems of education opportunities and prospects of development" international scientific and Practical Conference March 29. 2017 Almaty
13. International scientific and practical conference"modern economy and problems of education opportunities and prospects of development" in mathematics lesson - technology of level and differentiated learning March 29, 2017 Almaty
14. Methodology of solving problems of probability theory and mathematical statistics in MS Excel international scientific and practical conference "modern economy and problems of education opportunities and prospects of development" March 29. 2017 galmatiМектеп математика курсындағы ықтималдықтар және комбинаторика есептері Төлегенов оқулары 2017ж Қазіргі заманғы жаратылыстану ғылыми білім беру: мәселелері және даму болашағы. международная научно-практическая конференция
15. Collection of scientific works of young scientists of Arkspi named after I. Altynsarin-2017 scientific bases of experimental calculation on the section" electrodynamics " international scientific and practical conference
16. Methodological features of group work in teaching the topic of logarithms-Beketayev readings-3rd International Scientific and practical conference Shymkent 2018
17. Effective methods of organizing mathematics in small complex schools. Beketayev readings-3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference Shymkent 2018
18. Application of Information Technologies in mathematics lessons" Tulegenova readings-2018 "material" digital education-advanced knowledge and competence "in education within the framework of" Ruhani zhangyru " international scientific and practical conference April 12, 2018
19. Specifics of group work in teaching the topic "logarithm" material of the HLII within the framework of the implementation of the address of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev "new development opportunities in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution" international scientific and practical conference April 18, 2018.
20. Ways to introduce new pedagogical technologies in Algebra lessons materials of the HLII international scientific and practical conference within the framework of the implementation of the address of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev "new opportunities for development in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution" April 18, 2018.
21. Calculation of the inverse matrix material" sacred geography of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects of local history " international scientific and practical conference April 12, 2019
22. Method of solving problems in the Department of electromagnetism"Tulegenova readings-2020" material "modern approaches and actual problems of education and Science" International Scientific and practical conference April 10, 2020.
1. Features of implementing Dialogic learning in practice scientific journal Bulletin of the Eurasian National University. "What's The Matter?"
2. Methodology of solving problems of probability theory and mathematical statistics in ms excel scientific journal Bulletin of the Eurasian National University.L. N. Gumileva, No. (4). Astana, 2017. Part II
3. Collection of scientific labor of young scientists of Arcgpi. I. Altynsarina-2017 scientific bases for the production of experimental reports on the section «electrodynamics»
4. Application of MS Excel in teaching chemistry international electronic scientific journal "Science and business" Astana, No. 1 2017
Ү. Foreign – 13
1. Bolashak energiyasy "Trends and prospects for the development of science and education in the context of globalization" February 21-22, 2015. I international scientific and practical Internet conference
2. Electrodynamics BLM boiynsha experiment esep Ciardi scientific Neger "Trends and prospects of development of science and education in conditions of globalization" on March 30-31, 2015. II international scientific and PRACTICAL Internet conference
3. "R TRL Arcady electric togy" tayyiban thru dememes "Trends and prospects of development of science and education in conditions of globalization" 30-30 Oct 2015. UIII international scientific and practical Internet conference
4. Mektep matematikasynda analysis Zhane Sintez "Trends and prospects of development of science and education in the context of globalization" October 30-30, 2015. UIII international scientific and practical Internet conference
5. Mctate mathematician oz Elim Bethe imity trlin yamashiro XXI international scientific and practical Internet conference "Problems and prospects of science development in the beginning of the third Millennium in Europe and Asia" in Pereslav-Khmelnitsky 30-31 decuba 2015
6. Мектеп математикасындағы анализ және синтез ХХІ Международная научно-практическая интернет конференция «Проблемы и перспективы развития науки в начале третьего тысячалетия в странах Европы и Азии» г. Переслав-Хмельницкий 30-31 декабя 2015
7. level-based learning in mathematics lesson VIII international scientific Internet Conference "humanitarian space of science: experience and prospects" January 20, 2017
8. Math sabaina of SYN trid alaudi damytu " international scientific Internet-conference "Humanitarian space science: experience and prospects" on 20 January 2017
9. Chain Kesheng Megaptera math PNN oito deter Certificate of the XIV international scientific-practical Internet-conference "Humanitarian space science: experience and perspectives" November 7, 2017
10. application of information and communication technologies in teaching arithmetic and geometric progression. XIV international scientific and practical Internet Conference "humanitarian space of science: experience and prospects" November 7, 2017
11. Zhanartylgan Bilim Beru mazmuny boyynsha okytudagy Zhana Adis-tasilder international scientific and practical Internet conference "Trends and prospects for the development of science and education in the conditions of globalization" 31 January 2019
12. Guartela Bilim take sasinda math PN boiynsha balaua aralen tacirler international scientific-practical Internet-conference "Tendencies and perspectives of development of science and education in uslovijah of globalization" 31 yanvarya 2019
13. Sysyta Tegeler gysn Kramer dime Sesa Zholdary international scientific-practical Internet-conference "Tendencies and perspectives of development of science and education in uslovijah of globalization" 29 March 2019.
Number of manuals (name), date of issue -
1. Linear algebra. Instructions. RB arkspi, Arkalyk, 2013(ISBN 978-601-7425-00-5)
2. Probability theory. Instruction of Rus Arkalyk, Arkalyk, 2013(ISBN 978-601-7425-37-1)
3. Effective approaches to solving spatial construction problems in the school geometry course. Educational and methodical manual. RB arkspi, Arkalyk, 2015 (ISBN) 978-601-7556-37-2
4. Methodology for solving experimental problems in the section" electrodynamics". Educational and methodical manual . RB arkspi, Arkalyk, 2016 (ISBN) 978-601-321-200-5
5. Collection of lectures "probability theory and Mathematical Statistics". Instructions. RB arkspi, Arkalyk, 2016 (ISBN) 978-601-7556-37-2
6. Collection of lectures on" higher mathematics". Educational and methodical manual. RB arkspi, Arkalyk, 2017 (ISBN)
7. Solving mathematical problems in MS Excel. Methodological guide . RB arkspi, Arkalyk, 2019


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502