Analysis on the recommendations and observations of accreditation
Conformity assessment of educational programs 5B011200-Chemistry, 5b011300-Biology and 5b011600-Geography of Arkspi.I. Altynsarina on the standards of specialized accreditation of the NAAR was conducted in accordance with the order No. 6-18-OD of 23.01.2018 of the Independent accreditation Agency of the rating from 7 to 10 February 2018 by an external expert Commission (from "24" February 2017 No. 10-17-OD).
According to the results of specialized accreditation of educational programs 5B011200–Chemistry, 5b011300-Biology and 5b011600–Geography, appropriate recommendations were proposed to improve the quality of educational programs:
Standard 1educational program Management»
1) To put into practice the organization of focus groups to study the opinions of students about the quality of education and taking into account the wishes of students. Thus, in the 2018-2019 academic year, focus groups were formed on the educational programs 5B011200-Chemistry, 5B011300-Biology and 5B011600-Geography to study the satisfaction of students about the quality of education and taking into account the wishes of students. The focus group provided an opportunity to assess the current state of the OP, the weaknesses and strengths of the educational process, and were prerequisites for planning the development of the OP for the next academic year.
2) Provide educational trajectories aimed at training teachers to work in small schools. In the 2019-2020 academic year, the "Chemistry-Biology" and "Geography-History" programs were developed for inclusion in the Register of educational programs and the approval of experts was received.
Standard «Information Management and reporting»
3) Introduce a system of key performance indicators to improve the effectiveness of personal and professional development of teaching staff. The analysis of the efficiency, competitiveness and development of PPP is carried out through a system of key indicators provided for in the regulation on the annual incentive payment to the faculty and staff of the I. Altynsarin Arkspi, approved by the Academic Council (Protocol No. 7 of 08.01.2019) and implemented for the 2019 calendar year.
Standard «development and approval of the educational program»
4) to Consider the possibility of harmonization of OP with foreign educational organizations through the development of joint OP. The Department conducts organizational activities to consider the possibility of harmonization of OP 6V01504-Chemistry and OP 6V01505-Biology with educational programs of Susspua (Chelyabinsk, Russia) in conjunction with the Educational and methodical Department and the Office of science, strategic planning and international cooperation on the basis of a Memorandum of understanding and cooperation.
Standard «Continuous monitoring and periodic evaluation of educational programs»
5) in order to increase interest and awareness about the educational program, timely publish on the website of the Institute information on the implementation of the OP. The Department regularly publishes on the website of the Institute ( information on the implementation of the PLO "Biology", OP "Geography" and OP "Chemistry".
Standard «student-Centered learning, teaching and performance assessment»
6) Determine the topic of promising research topics in the field of teaching methods. In the 2018-2019 academic year, the Cathedral circles "Teacher of modern format" and "natural Scientists" were organized to attract students to research works, to form skills necessary for writing a thesis. Also, the Department held an online competition among the 4th year students of the OP "Biology", OP "Geography" and OP "Chemistry"on the topic" success in work, future specialist".
7) to Continue the practice of professional development, including the mastery of modern methods of assessment. In accordance with the strategic goal of advanced training in modern management in higher education PPP 1 every 5 years passes advanced training. In addition, from 14 to 17 January 2019 faculty of departments participated in the winter methodical week on "Innovative methods in teaching updated content of secondary education", organized by the educational and methodical Department. Also, on December 21, 2018, within the framework of the online seminar on "updated content of education in the educational process", teachers of OP "Biology" and OP "Chemistry" held master classes in order to exchange experience of mastering modern teaching methods with teachers of schools in Arkalyk (secondary schools)№ 10, № 5, № 3, № 6). It can also be noted that on April 11-12, 2019, doctor of science, Professor of ENU named after L. N. Gumilyov Mazbayev Ordenbek Blisbekovich held a master class in the amount of 12 hours on the theme "updated Bilim bagdarlamasy" for teachers and students of OP "Geography" (Nurkhanov M. A., Balykbaeva G. sh., Salimzhanov N. O.), teachers of geography schools in Arkalyk.
8) to continue the practice of attracting school teachers as guest lecturers and holding joint seminars to discuss the problems of education. For this purpose, on December 21, 2018, the Department organized an online seminar on "Problems of introduction of updated content of education in the educational process" with teachers of NICHES and schools of Arkalyk within the framework of the joint cooperation program. According to the program of the online seminar esenova G. S. (moderator-biology teacher) made a report online on the topic "Features of the system of criteria assessment and training programs in the updated content of education".
Standard «Students»
9) provide information support on academic mobility programs in the activities of the international Department. Every year the Institute hosts a meeting of students and specialists of the office of science, strategic planning and international cooperation, the Registrar office to familiarize with the program of academic mobility. In the 2018-2019 academic year, on October 9, 2018, a seminar was held on the theme: "Training of qualified specialists-the requirement of time".
10) in order to identify and support gifted students to intensify research work with students of these universities for the rector's award of the Arkspi. In the 2018-2019 academic year, on April 5, 2019, the Department organized a competition of student research projects (works) to select applicants for the rector's award of the Arkspi. On April 22, 2019, the students ' research papers were included in the program of the competition for the rector's award organized by the Department of science, strategic planning and international cooperation. The following works of the Department were awarded for the best scientific work: the Diploma of the II degree (prize 20 000 tenge) was awarded to the 3rd year student of OP 5B011300-Biology nurullaeva Dina (Supervisor PhD Korazbekova K. U.) and the diploma of the III degree (prize 15,000 tenge) was awarded to the 3rd year student of OP 5B011600-Geography Tanirbergen Jean (Supervisor: master Salimzhanov N. O.).
Standard «Teaching staff»
11) Continue to work in search of opportunities for targeted training of young teachers in doctoral studies in the areas of OP. Every year the Department of chemistry, biology and geography recommends PPP for targeted training in doctoral studies. For example, for the 2018-2019 academic year, 2 places were obtained for doctoral studies in OP 5B011300-Biology and OP 5B011600-Geography, and 2 teachers are trained in the doctoral program in KazNPU named after Abay: Kaldarbekova A. (OP "Biology") And kalkashev S. (OP "Geography").
12) provide for the inclusion in the system of key performance indicators of criteria that stimulate the use of innovative teaching methods. KPI system for promoting PPPs, introduced in January 2019 takes into account the development and introduction of innovative teaching technologies with the application of the act implementation, the development of teaching materials and teaching in a foreign language, training with a subsequent performance at the seminar and participation in the work of commissions, working groups in accordance with 2 section of the reporting sheet for the PPP, under the provision of the annual incentive payment to faculty and staff of Arkgpi of I. Altynsarin, approved in 2019.
13) Consider the possibility of attracting leading domestic and foreign scientists for lectures, seminars, training, including virtually. On November 9, 2018, the Department organized an online lecture on the subject of methods of teaching biology for students of 3 and 4 courses OP 5B011300-Biology. The online lecture was delivered by candidate of agricultural Sciences, associate Professor of biology Department of SKSPU, Gulmira Satybaldievna Halykova, on the topic "Technological bases of teaching biology". Also, on April 9, 2019, a webinar (online seminar) was held on topical issues of teaching in universities in connection with the update of the content of education in the country on the topic "Topical issues of education in modern education" with universities of Kazakhstan.
Standard «Educational resources and student support systems»
14) Continue the work on updating the book Fund within the accredited OP; Annually updated book Fund of the Institute at the request of the Department for state procurement within the accredited OP 5B011200-Chemistry 5B011300-Biology AND 5b011600-Geography. In 2019, school textbooks in chemistry, biology and geography and teaching AIDS were purchased to ensure the training of teachers who are able to teach according to the updated content of secondary education.
15) implement the anti-Plagiarism system in the educational process of the University; the Institute is working on the implementation of the anti-Plagiarism system for the 2019-2020 academic year. Organizational work is underway to create an electronic database of diploma works by the educational and methodical Department and to acquire the antiplagiate program.
16) find opportunities to equip classrooms with garbage bins, install coolers with drinking water for students, open a second wardrobe. Apply for state purchase of equipment for classrooms garbage cans, installation of callers, open the second closet is planned for 2020.
Standard «Public Information»
17) to continue work on updating and placing information on the website of the University in the framework of development and changes made to the OP, to expand information about the PPP and their achievements
Every year at the beginning of a new academic year, the Department of chemistry, biology and geography regularly updates the website of the Department, and publishes reports and changes in OP OP5V011200-Chemistry, 5b011300-Biology AND 5b011600-Geography according to the plan of development of educational programs.
Standard «Standards in the context of individual specialties»
18) to consider the implementation process of OP development of new topical elective courses based on ICT in the directions OP; Considering the recommendations of the school Directors, the decision of the faculty meeting, it was decided the introduction of the elective course "Bioinformatics" in the OP 6В01505-Biology and 6В01510-Chemistry-Biology, also "Basics of Geoinformatics" in areas 6В01506 OP-OP Geography and 6В01511-Geography-History as a component of choice in the catalogue of elective disciplines and the MUP for admission 2019.
19) in the curricula of the OP to introduce educational (introductory) practice in the 1st year of training in accordance with current trends in education
In connection with updating the content of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and in accordance with order 603, dated 31.10.2018 G. MES was implemented in educational practice 1-training course in the OP 5V011200-Chemistry 5V011300-Biology and 5B011600-Geography to 2018 reception (the Academic Council Protocol №6 from 26.12.18 y). And also, in OP 6B01504-Chemistry, OP 6B01505-Biology, 6b01506-Geography, OP 6B01510-Chemistry-Biology, OP 6B01511-Geography-History was planned educational and familiarization practice for the implementation of OP admission 2019 (Minutes of the Academic Council No. 11 of 24.04.19 y.).
20) to Involve practitioners for joint development of the program of practice of students of 2 and 3 courses, for the purpose of formation of necessary professional competences. When discussing the content of the OP 5V011200-Chemistry 5V011300-Biology and 5B011600-Geography at the faculty meeting were made the following key momenty to develop programs of professional practice: to include in the action plan for parctice work with e-magazine "Cndac", putting more load on the work with the psychologist to develop rubrics and KSP under the guidance of subject teachers, to pay more attention to peer-reviewed and the exchange of experiences with fellow students.