Analysis on the recommendations and observations of accreditation

on the recommendations and observations of specialized accreditation

of educational program 5В010300 – Pedagogy and psychology

    In the period from __ for ___ 2015 educational program 5B010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology passed specialized accreditation IQAA.
   Based on the analysis of the report on self-assessment, educational program 5B010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology was accredited for a period of ___ years. On 7 accreditation standards educational program was evaluated on "compliance" and "full compliance". Nevertheless, the results of the accreditation of an educational program made recommendations and observations on that for next year remedial measures were taken.


On 1 Standard issued full compliance and noted the following positive aspects:
- Analysis evaluating the effectiveness of OP objectives, outcomes;
- Corrective work to improve the OP objectives;
- Priority component of choice in basic and profiling cycles;
- Rich content catalogs of elective courses.

   Comments on this standard are not available, the following recommendations are defined:
- The formation of OP objectives, it is recommended to take into account changes in the educational environment of the region, actively involve students and employers to develop objectives and educational trajectories.
After analyzing the above recommendation, I would like to note the following points:
- Having regard to the demand for the region's narrow specialists, such as social worker, self-teacher, school psychologist, modular educational programs were supplemented by such disciplines as "Social teacher work in the micro districts", "Methods of working with difficult children", "Psychological technologies in working with personnel "," Non-verbal means of communication in the communication "system" Organization of the work of the school psychologist";
- Enhanced ability to attract students majoring in assessing the quality of educational services through conducting questionnaires, polls, blogs treatment of students in the university management, the appeal to the faculty via e-mail the teacher, AIS «Platonus»

Standard 2. The content of educational program

2 Standard issued correspondence and noted the following positive aspects:
- Well-established mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the content of the educational program;
- Practical orientation of elective courses;
- A high level of use of modern educational technologies;
- Reinforced material base specialty.

The following work was carried out on the results of observations and recommendations:
- Accented attention to the logical sequence of courses in modular education programs;
- taking into account the demand for the region's narrow specialists, such as social worker, self-teacher, school psychologist, modular educational programs were supplemented by such disciplines as "Social work educator in districts", "Methods of working with difficult children", "Psychological technologies in HR "," Non-verbal means of communication in the communication system "," Organization of the work of the school psychologist ";
- because of the limited opportunities to introduce such specializations as "educational psychologist working with children with special needs", the department is only brought into the curricula of specialty subjects such as "Work-psychologist in the inclusive education system", "Clinical Psychology";
- It was strengthened by work on the planning and production of educational materials, produced from them:
- «Педагогика пәнінең 1001 тест жинағы» (author Bizhanova G.K., Tauekelova AE)
- «Практикум по педагогическому мастерству» (author Esirgepova V.Zh.)
- «Семейная психология» (author Buzulutskaya TM)
- «Қазақстандағы білім және педагогика ғылымдарының тарихы» (author Kalkeeva KR, Bizhanova G.K ,. Akhmetova PA)
- «История развития педагогической мысли в Казахстане» (author Kalkeeva KR, Akhmetova PA, Alkuatova AL)
- «Современные образовательные технологии в преподавании психолого-педагогических дисциплин» (author Esirgepova V.Zh., Batyrova ZN)
- «Психология салалары бойынша тест жинағы» (author Musirova GB, Tauekelova AE) and planned:
1. Electronic textbook "Electronic Course presentation on the subject" Pedagogy "" (in Russ. Language)
2. Electronic textbook "Electronic Course presentation on the subject" Pedagogy "" (in Kazakh. Language)
3. Electronic textbook "Electronic Course presentation on the subject" Methodology of scientific and pedagogical research "" (in Russ. Language)
4. Electronic textbook "Electronic Course presentation on the subject" Psychology and Human Development "," (on russ.yaz and Kaz. Language)
5. Electronic textbook "Laboratory work on the pedagogical skills"
6. Electronic textbook "Electronic Course presentation on the subject" Psychology "" (in Russ. Language)
7. Electronic textbook "Electronic Course presentation on the subject" Theory and methods of educational work "»

Standard 3. STUDENTS

According to Standard 3 issued full compliance and following good practice noted:
- Training resources that meet the interests of students;
- The presence of a guide for the student;
- Availability of documents on academic policy;
- The availability of working manuals on educational programs for students;
- Additional academic support for students.

  The department operates the direction of career guidance and job placement, which is carried out responsible teacher and curators final groups. The work is conducted in accordance with the plan and includes activities such as seminars on resume writing, official letters, the passage of a successful interview.


   Standard 4 marked by full compliance and following good practices:
- A serious approach to the optimum load distribution on the blocks of disciplines that ensure that students have the necessary professional competence;
- Involvement of employers in developing and updating the content of educational programs;
- Employment of more than 80% of graduates in the specialty;

Observations and recommendations were worked out as follows:
- Brought into line with the regulatory requirements of the structure of teaching methods of disciplines;
- Enhanced ability to attract students majoring in assessing the quality of educational services through conducting questionnaires, polls, blogs treatment of students in the university management, the appeal to the faculty via e-mail the teacher, AIS «Platonus»
- In the future it is planned:
• strengthen the practice-oriented nature of the educational process through the invitation of the employers' SSC;
• to improve the practical training of students majoring 5B010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology run on the basis of a complex of the Department of Psychology and Education Center for PPP children, married students.


Standard 5-matched and noted a number of positive points:
- Full compliance with the PPP documentation;
- Availability of quality faculty staff;
- High level of professionalism of the PPP.

The following adjustments were made on the observations and recommendations:
- Activated work on the publication of articles in international scientific journals with non-zero impact factor:
• Shaumen G.S.Motives for Choosing the Profession of a Social Care Teacher in the Universities of Kazakhstan. International Review of Management and Marketing, 2016, 6(S3) 133-139.
• Bondareva T.O. Психологические основы формирования ключевых компетенций специалиста экономических информационных технологий высшего образования. International Review of Management and Marketing, 2016, 6(S3) январь 2016

- carried out targeted training of teachers of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology:

Full name of  teacher

Education Master's / PhD

Place of study

Year of entrance

Year of ending


Smailova G.S.

Doctorate, 6D010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai




Bondareva T.O.

Doctorate, 6D010200 - Pedagogy and methodology of primary education

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai




Alkuatova A.L.

Master, 6M010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai




Baltabay Zh.

Master, 6M010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai




Kalimzhanova R.L

Doctorate, 6M012300 -

Social pedagogy and self-knowledge

Eurasian National University named after     L. Gumilev



- A clear assignment of the workload of teachers of the department respectively occupied rates.


Standard 6 matches and noted the following good practices:
- A high level of material and technical provision of the specialty;
- A good library fund specialty.

Comments on this standard are not available, the following work is done on the recommendations:
- Work on the discovery of "the Center for Inclusive Education".


The following work is carried out on the observations of the standard 7:
- Bringing into line with the requirements, the site of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502