Non-formal education: trend of the times

Non-formal education: trend of the times

Today, non-formal education is gaining more and more popularity.

This is education, including advanced training programs, professional retraining, vocational training, courses, trainings, practical seminars (workshops) and master classes.
The main goal of non-formal education is to create conditions for the implementation of educational services and the diverse needs of a person in advanced training, in mastering new knowledge and technologies, providing opportunities for young people, adults and the elderly to master personal and professional competencies.


On the eve of the Altynsarin Institute conducted a survey among its students with the question "What do they know about non-formal education."
As the analysis showed, students are not only aware of this type of education, but they themselves enjoy such education through trainings, master classes, seminars, workshops, distance courses, webinars, including through courses on the COURSERA platform.
It is worth noting that the Altynsarin Institute provides non-formal education not only to students and staff, but also to everyone who wants to study. The Institute conducts advanced training and retraining courses, summer and winter schools for schoolchildren and students, trainings for employees and teaching staff.
The procedure for passing courses in disciplines for students of the institute is carried out in volume, taking into account the workload of the student in his free time, according to the educational program.



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