Applicants of the Altynsarin Institute read Abai's poems

Applicants of the Altynsarin Institute read Abai's poems

In honor of the 178th anniversary of the birth of Abay Kunanbaev, employees of the information and complex library of the Arkaly Pedagogical Institute named after Y. Altynsarin conducted an impromptu “exam” on knowledge of the works of the great educator for university applicants to once again remind about the significant date.

The organizers invited future students and their parents to remember their favorite lines from Abai's works, to quote excerpts from the poet's books.
The event was held to popularize the life, creativity, rich spiritual heritage of the outstanding poet and philosopher, patriotic education of youth. I am glad that modern youth not only knows about this day, but also remembers the works of the great Abai by heart. Such famous works as “Gylym tappay maktanba”, “Zhasymda gylym bar dep eskermedim”, “Olse oler tabigat, adam olmes”, “Asempaz bolma arnege” and etc.were performed. One of the applicants even sang a short excerpt from the composition "Zhelsiz tunde zharyk ai". The older generation gladly told the facts from the biography of the thinker.
As part of the event, a book exposition called "Alem Tanygan Uly Abay" was also organized. “The exhibition presents the works of Abai, translations of his works. Our staff spoke about the life and creative path of the poet. Applicants read excerpts from the Words of Edification. Thanks to the exhibition, visitors have a wonderful opportunity to plunge into the creative world of the great poet of the Kazakh people,” said Sarsenkul Kuandykovna, head of the library.
And the library staff offered to subscribers in social networks to share their thoughts, express their attitude to Abai's heritage. During the day, reviews of publications from the library fund, an online exhibition, and videos of poetry readings were posted.
As the organizers noted, such events help to get to know Kazakh literature better and to join the culture and history of the Kazakh people.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
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