“Hour of Integrity” at Altynsarin Institute

“Hour of Integrity” at Altynsarin Institute

As part of the implementation of a comprehensive action plan of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and ArkPI named after I. Altynsarin on the formation of an anti-corruption culture among youth and teaching staff for the 2023-2024 academic year, on September 18, 2023, the “Hour of Integrity” was held at the Altynsarin Institute.

In order to develop the principles of integrity among young people, in all educational programs, teaching staff and group curators organized viewings of video lessons on Integrity, presentations on issues of academic integrity, questions were raised on anti-corruption offenses and measures to combat them in society.

During the curatorial hour, a conversation was held about the concept of “integrity”, about the duty of every person to be an honest and decent citizen of his country. It is also noted that integrity is the formation of an anti-corruption model of behavior in Kazakh society, including among students, aimed at increasing intolerance towards corruption, the desire to comply with legal norms, academic integrity, and the educational and cultural level of students.

The moderators of the meetings also spoke about the work being done at the university to combat corruption, and about the participation of employees in promoting integrity and other moral values.

Students - future teachers took an active part in the event. During the discussion, they expressed their position regarding corruption and asked questions about anti-corruption legislation.
It is worth noting that “Integrity Hours” contribute to the formation of an anti-corruption culture among students in the context of spiritual, moral and civic-patriotic education.


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