Altynsarin Institute meets foreign scientists

Altynsarin Institute meets foreign scientists

According to the program of attracting foreign specialists to teaching activities, Professor Peter Enders of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau (TH Wildau, Germany), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, arrived at the Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin.

The foreign scientist is a specialist in the field of physics and studies the axiomatic and real unity of physics. As part of the program, for a month he will give lectures, conduct seminars and practical classes for students, master classes and consultations for faculty.

In addition, it is planned to participate in the preparation of scientific articles for joint publications with university teachers.
Chairman of the Board - Rector Erzhan Amirbekuly at a meeting with the professor noted that the involvement of foreign specialists in the educational process gives students and teaching staff of the university a unique opportunity to acquire new knowledge, prepare joint research, and generally raises the quality of education to a new level. In turn, the foreign guest expressed his willingness to share his knowledge and experience.

The professor got acquainted with the work of the institute, during which the parties agreed on further cooperation.
Let us note that Peter Enders is one of the first foreign scientists to come to us under the “Visiting Foreign Scientist” program for the 2023-2024 academic year. Scientists from Indonesia and Turkey are expected to visit by the end of the year.


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