An international seminar was held at Altynsarin Institute with the participation of a professor from Germany

An international seminar was held at Altynsarin Institute with the participation of a professor from Germany

On September 29, 2023, the Altynsarin Institute hosted an International Scientific and Practical Seminar on the topic “A New Effective Model of Physics and Mathematics Education – the Basis of Professional Training” with the participation of a foreign scientist from Germany, Peter Enders.

The key purpose of the meeting is to discuss, summarize and debate the topics raised, exchange experience and scientific and methodological information.

The international seminar, organized jointly with the research center of the institute and the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatization, began with a welcoming speech from the head of the EP “Physics, Physics and Informatics” Tulegenova A.K. She spoke about the achievements and prospects for the development of the faculty and the educational program. According to her, the priority activities of recent years have been innovative practice-oriented pedagogical education, project technologies, and digital transformation of education.
The seminar was attended by domestic and foreign scientists, teaching staff and students of the institute, teachers from schools of physics and mathematics. The moderator of the seminar, Ulysbaev Erkhan Erkinuly, introduced the topics of the reports to the listeners and introduced the scientists participating in the meeting.

The reports of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Peter Enders (Germany, Berlin) “Competency-oriented teaching in physics in Baden-Württemberg”, Ph.D. “Didactic principles and methods of teaching physics to students” by Arystan Satybaldinovich Kudusov from Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketov.

During the scientific event, a wide range of issues related to the education and teaching of physics and mathematics at school, and possible ways to solve them were discussed. Thus, a mathematics teacher at the Y. Altynsarin gymnasium in Arkalyk, Umarbekov Abdullah Daniyarovich, presented a report “Modernization of the educational process and integration of digital tools and services” and showed an example of the use of digital methods in teaching mathematics. A teacher of the experimental school “YBYRAI MEKTEBI” from the village of Kulynzhon, Samara district of East Kazakhstan region, Alisher Kairkeshovich Sagintaev spoke in detail about the “MINITEN” method, which is one of the effective methods for checking students’ homework.
The meeting participants received comprehensive answers to their questions, shared opinions, and outlined plans for future cooperation. Among the participants online and offline were representatives from different regions of Kazakhstan - Karaganda, Arkalyk, Kostanay region, East Kazakhstan region.

Based on the results of the work, the head of the research center Baiseitova Zh.B. thanked her colleagues for their joint work, noted the high significance of the event and expressed her opinion on the need for further cooperation between the university and schools, as well as international partnerships.
It should be noted that foreign guest Peter Enders is at the Altynsarin Institute under the “Visiting Professor” program. As part of the program, he gives a course of lectures on “Classical and Quantum Mechanics” for students of the OP Physics and Mathematics.


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