The President’s interview was discussed at the open platform Altynsarin Institute

The President’s interview was discussed at the open platform Altynsarin Institute

Recently, the head of state Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev gave an extensive interview to the republican publication “Egemen Kazakhstan”.

In a conversation on the topic: “We, as a forward-thinking nation, must look only forward!” such current topics as issues of the country's domestic and foreign policy, the socio-economic development of the state, the January tragedies, domestic violence in society, and the construction of nuclear power plants were touched upon.
Among the teaching staff of the faculties “Pedagogy and Philology”, “Natural Science and Information Technology” and “History and Art”, a dialogue was widely discussed at the institute, where opinions and critical views were expressed.
In addition, during the conversation, issues of teacher education were touched upon within the framework of the President’s Address to the people of Kazakhstan “The Economic Course of a Fair Kazakhstan.”
At the open area, the dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Information Technology, Alibek Eskermesuly, noted: “To ensure a high level of training for future specialists, it is necessary to have their own tone in society in order to be able to apply their professional skills in various fields and achieve excellent results in their professional activities. Since we are a community that directly influences the affairs of generations, being partial to the cause of a state issue is a sign of conspiracy.”
The head of the educational program “Preschool teacher and educational psychologist” R.E. Zhandildina added: “The global economy and the international labor market are changing dramatically. Technological competition is heating up. We should not hesitate in training a competitive specialist. It is undeniable that the work of generations is the work of the nation of the future. Let’s not only understand the problems raised in the interview, but also be interested in jointly implementing the appeal from the head of state.”
It is worth noting that at the Altynsarin Institute, a discussion of the interview with the head of state was held at each faculty.


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