Altynsarin Institute students studied at Akmulla University

Altynsarin Institute students studied at Akmulla University

Eight 2nd-3rd year students of the ArkPI named after I. Altynsarin were trained at the Bashkir State University named after M. Akmulla in the city of Ufa as part of the program of academic mobility of students and the implementation of network forms of education.

Students Zhamantai Zakaria, Tenelbai Dinara, Kaliaskarov Almas, Khudaybergenova Akzhibek, Koigara Aknur, Serikova Dilnaz, Mahmut Syrymbet, Bolatova Zhazira studied in such areas as mathematics and physics, Russian language and literature in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction, physical education and sports, history.

For 3 weeks, students underwent internships on the basis of IFMTS, IIPSGO, IFOMK, IFKiZCh, attended classes, actively participated in the “Student Spring”, the celebration of Nauryz, Auyzashar for foreign students. Also, colleagues of the partner university organized special excursions of the Akmullina University building and showed the city of Ufa.
“Our task is to build bridges in the field of higher education and science. Academic mobility helps you gain comprehensive educational and scientific experience, improve your professional level, and provides the opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge from the best specialists in the format of live communication and exchange of opinions. In addition, this is a great opportunity to make new acquaintances,” noted the rector of the university, Erzhan Amirbekuly, at a meeting with students.

In turn, the students shared their impressions of the academic trip: “During the course of the study program, we were able to discover new facets of ourselves. In general, studying abroad allowed us to change our outlook on life, creating many opportunities, as well as gaining experience that could to make changes in the education sector of our country. In this regard, we would like to thank the rector and everyone who supported us and created all the conditions for our trip.”

It is worth noting that until the end of the second semester of the current academic year, students will move to the remote internship stage, where they will complete their studies in an online format.
We express our gratitude to our colleagues from Akmullin University for the excellent organization of training and accommodation for Altynsarin Institute students!
Let us recall that in December 2023, a long-term agreement on cooperation in the field of education and science was concluded with Akmulla University, within the framework of which this trip was carried out, as well as other events are being implemented.


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