The Silver University program at Altynsarin Institute is gaining social momentum

The Silver University program at Altynsarin Institute is gaining social momentum

In ArkPI named after I. Altynsarin, as part of the Silver University project, took intensive English courses to develop communication skills.

These 72-hour courses, organized to expand the educational skills of older citizens, improve their quality of life and support self-development, were attended by citizens and teachers, employees of higher and special educational institutions in the region aged from 20 to 68 years.

The Faculty of Pedagogy and Philology, in particular the teaching staff and graduates of the educational programs “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages”, “English Language”, gave new impetus to the social movement promoting the development of a second skill that corresponds to the modern market. Listeners had the opportunity to expand their vocabulary at intermediate and upper intermediate English levels, improve translatability and develop reading, writing and listening skills.

During the intensive course, current topics were discussed, classes were held using the latest technologies Bamboozel, Lie detector, Balloons, Case study, speaking card, video discussion and topic prediction, Wordwall, do-do methods and techniques of audio-video materials, individual work was carried out and reflection.

Bayzakova Galiya Bektaevna, a 68-year-old participant in the Silver University pensioner project, noted: “I believe that this movement is an innovative type of social activity that helps older people actively live longer. Currently, for Kazakh society, the “University of the Third Age” or “Silver Universities” is a relatively new phenomenon. We are very glad that the institute has created such a platform for citizens.”.

The head of the educational programs “Foreign language: two foreign languages”, “English language” A.K. Asanova, in her speech, emphasizing the importance of knowledge of the English language, noted that it contributes to professional growth, international communication, travel abroad and even the study of English with grandchildren.
Students of the “Silver University” project were awarded certificates of participation on behalf of the Chairman of the Board - Rector Erzhan Amirbekuly.


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