Karatayeva Tatyana Olegovna

Position: head of the educational program "6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology"

Academic degree: doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

E-mail: t.karataeva@api.edu.kz

Research interests: 
Development of intellectual and creative potential, preparation of the future teacher for the development of intellectual and creative potentials.

Major scientific publications:
  1. Karataeva T.O., Tertyshnik O.S. Intellectual and creative potential as a significant component of the future teacher's professional activity. International popular science journal Science and life of Kazakhstan №4(60) 2018 Pedagogy. C 207-210.
  2. Karataeva T.O., Anesova A. Zh. Development of the intellectual and creative potential of a junior schoolchild in the conditions of an updated education system. Bulletin of PSU, ISSN 1811-1831. Pedagogical series No. 4. 2019. P 220-227.
  3. Karataeva T.O., Khan N.N. The structure of the teacher's readiness for the development of the intellectual and creative potential of a younger student in the context of updating the content of education. Bulletin of ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov. Series Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociology. 2(139) 2022
  4. Karataeva T.O., Khan N.N. Metacognitive skills as the basis for the development of the intellectual and creative potential of a primary school student. Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. Series “Pedagogical Sciences”, No. 4(80) 2023
  5. Balgabayeva, A.E., Karataeva, T.O., Karabulatova, I.S., Aitzhanova, R.M., Aigul A. Zhumadullayeva, A.A. & Zharylgapova, D.M. (2024). Digital Literacy as a Meta-Cognitive Component of Younger Students’ Intellectual and Creative Potential in Foreign Language Lessons. Rupkatha Journal 16:1.
  6. Karataeva T.O., Kalimzhanova R.L., Bazhenova E.D., Mnaidarova S.S. Preparing the future teacher for the development of metacognitive activity of primary schoolchildren. Multidisciplinary scientific journal of Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynuly “3i: intellect, idea, innovation - intelligence, idea, innovation”, No. 1 March 2024.
Further education courses:
  1. 03.2020. Advanced training courses were completed for teaching staff of higher educational institutions that train teaching staff, as part of updating the content of education at the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools JSC (80 academic hours).
  2. 02. 2024. «Society for Academic Activity» (Serbia) in recognition of hard work and consistency in completing «Scientific research as a tool for self-production: methods and technigues» научное исследование как инструмент самопродюсирования: методы и приемы. DRUSTVO "ZA AKADEMSKU AKTIVNOST ASSOCIATION "SOCIETY FOR ACADEMIC ACTIVITY" SERBIA. 72 hours
  3. 23.05-06.01.2024. Аdvanced training courses “Inclusive White Models” were completed. “Savvy Business sLTD – National Kapodistrian University of Athens”: together with international and Kazakh experts, Astana, 72 hours.
Educational and methodical manuals:
  1. Karataeva T.O. Educational and methodical manual. The development of the intellectual and creative potential of the younger student. A course of lectures. ISBN 978-601-7947-24-8/ Arkalyk, 2019.
  2. Karataeva T.O., Khan N.N. Educational and methodical manual. Practical application of interactive methods for the development of intellectual and creative potential of a younger student. Arkalyk, 2022.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502