Mussirova Gulim Bakytovna

Position: senior lecturer of the educational program "6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology"

Scientific degree: master of pedagogical sciences

Research interests: Problems of inclusive education

Major scientific publications:
  1. Smailova G. S.,Bizhanova G. K.,Taukelova A. E.,Musirova G. B. Professional selection of applicants as an enterprise for successful training of specialists // Bulletin of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan. Volume 97 No. 5 (2020). 34-37 p.
Further education courses:
  1. 16.03-12.05.2021. Course «LEADERSHIP IN EDUCATION».
  2. 11.10-22.10.2021. Course "Methodology of applied research". Kostanay "Nazarbayev Intellectual School".
  3. 20.12-31.12.2021. Course "General principles of pedagogy and psychology". Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University.
  4. 14.02-25.02.2022. Course "Modern approaches to teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines at the university". Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University.
  5. 23.05-1.06.2024. Course «Model of inclusive education» курсы. 72 hours.
Educational and methodical manuals:
  1. Bizhanova G.K., Musirova G.B., "The activities of a teacher-psychologist in a small school." Collection: Arkalyk, 2019. - 523 p.
  2. Musirova G.B. "Fundamentals of psychological counseling" Educational and methodical manual. Arkalyk pedagogical Institute. - Arkalyk, 2022. - 66 p.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502