Smailova Guldana Sarsenbaikyzy

Position: senior lecturer of the educational program "6В01101 – Pedagogy"

Scientific degree: master of pedagogy and psychology

Research interests:
Comparative pedagogy, higher education system, professional training system, social and emotional intelligence.

Major scientific publications:
  1. Smailova G.S., Arzymbetova SH.ZH., Sanatbaj P.A. Opyt podgotovki specialistov social'no-pedagogicheskoj deyatel'nosti (na primere Alice-Salamon-Hochschule-Berlin)//Vestnik APN Kazahstana. - №6, 2018. – 71-19 s. ISSN 2070-4046; URL:Қасен%20Гульмира%20Аманқызы/2019/2.
  2. Smailova G.S., Bizhanova G.K., Musirova G.B., Tauekelova A.E. Motivy vybora social'no-pedagogicheskoj deyatel'nosti v vuzah Kazahstana//Vestnik APN Kazahstana. - №1, 2019. – 51-64 s. ISSN 2070-4046; URL:
  3. Smailova G.S., Bizhanova G.K., Tauekelova A.E., Musirova G.B. Professional'nyj otbor abiturientov kak predposylka uspeshnoj podgotovki specialistov//Vestnik APN Kazahstana. – №5, 2020. – 34-38 s. ISSN 2070-4046; URL:
  4. Smailova G.S., Esirgepova V.ZH., Akylbekova E.A., Baltabaj ZH.B. Istoricheskij analiz stanovleniya i razvitiya social'noj pedagogiki kak nauki v Germanii//Vestnik APN Kazahstana. - №4, 2020. – 144-148 s. ISSN 2070-4046; URL:
h-index: 1

Further education courses:
  1. 23.06.2018. – Modern pedagogical technologies in higher education institutions within the framework of the updated content of education. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu". 240 hours.
  2. 15.12.2023. – Prevention of violence against children. FPC MGPPU, Russia. 72 hours.
  3. 08.01-19.01.2024. – CPC "Scaling educational programs" within the framework of the World Bank project "Strengthening the potential of teacher education" at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan-Finland) // Hyame University of Applied Sciences. 160 hours.
Educational and methodical manuals:
  1. Ortaeva A.S., Smailova G.S., Sanatbai P.A. The work of a social pedagogue in educational institutions: an educational and methodological manual.  Shymkent, 2023. – 92 p.
  2. Smailova G.S., Seydakhmetova A.K. Comparative pedagogy: an educational and methodological guide. – Arkalyk, 2024. – 80 p.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502