Tauyekelova Anar Elamanovna

Position: senior lecturer of the educational program "6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology"

Scientific degree: master of pedagogical sciences

E-mail: anar.tauekelova@api.edu.kz

Research interests: Methodological foundations for the development of students' creative potential in the learning process

Major scientific publications:
  1. Smailova G. S.,Bizhanova G. K., Tauekelova A. E.,Musirova G. B. Professional selection of applicants as an enterprise for successful training of specialists// Bulletin of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan.Volume 97 No. 5 (2020). 34-37 p. 
  2. Sanatbai P.A., Shalgynbayeva K.K., Tauekelova A.E. Opportunities for the development of soft skills in the professional training of a social pedagogue // BULLETIN of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev. Pedagogy. Psychology. "Sociology" Series. – 2023. – № 2(143).
Further education courses:
  1. 05.09-16.09.2022. According to the educational program "Methodology of applied research" of teachers of higher educational institutions and colleges of the Republic of Kazakhstan. "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" Center of pedagogical excellence 80 hours.
  2. 20.12-31.12.2021. Course "General principles of pedagogy and psychology". Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University. 72 hours.
  3. 14.02-25.02.2022. Course "Modern approaches to teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines at the university". Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University. 72 hours.
  4. 07.02-18.02.2022. Course "Theoretical and methodological foundations of experimental psychology". Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University. 72 hours.
Educational and methodical manuals:
  1. Educational and methodical manual on the topic "New technologies in education". ArkSPI named after I. Altynsarin, 2020-29-04 AOJ 74.04. Protocol No. 10
  2. A course of lectures on the basics of deontology and imagology in the service of a teacher-psychologist. ArkSPI named after I. Altynsarin, 2021-30-06 AOJ 74.04. Protocol No. 14


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502