Bazhenova Elmira Dauletkhanovna

Position: senior lecturer of the educational program "6В01101 – Pedagogy and psychology"

Scientific degree: doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Research interests:
Development of academic mobility of students in modern conditions.

Major scientific publications:
  1. Bazhenova E., Bazhenova M. Development of academic mobility of students in Finland // International Scientific Journal "Science and Life of Kazakhstan". - 2020.- №5/3. - P. 39-43. URL:
  2. Bazhenova E., Shuzhebaeva A. Development of academic mobility of students in the Russian Federation // International Scientific Journal "Science and Life of Kazakhstan". - 2020. - №5/3. - P. 43-48. URL:
  3. Jalel T., Bazhenova E.D. The reason for the failure of schoolchildren of junior classes // International Scientific Journal "Science and Life of Kazakhstan". - 2020. - № 12/11. - P. 555-559. URL:
  4. Umirkalykova M., Bazhenova E. Training based on information and communication technologies // International Scientific Journal "Science and Life of Kazakhstan". - 2020. - № 12/11. - P. 569-573. URL:
  5. Karataeva T.O., Kalimzhanova R.L., Bazhenova E.D., Mnaidarova S.S. Preparation of the future teacher for the development of metacognitive activity of junior schoolchildren // Multi-profile scientific journal of the Kostanai Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynuly "3i: intellect, idea, innovation". - 2024. - No. 1. URL:
  6. Bazhenova E., Shuzhebayeva A.I., Kuntuganova S.M., Bazhenova M.D., Murygina S.I. The Impact of Mobile Learning on Undergraduate Students’ Cognitive Learning Outcomes: A Meta-Analytic Review // International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy 2022. - № 12(5). - С. 42-53. URL:
  7. Bazhenova E., Ozenbayev M.R., Janabayev K.T., Kurakbayeva A.Zh., Sochin S.A., Galiyeva G.B. The Impact of Virtual Reality on Post-Compulsory Students’ Learning Outcomes: A Review with Meta-Analysis // International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. - 2022. - № 17(16), с. 209-221. URL:

h-index: 2

  1. Development of students’ academic mobility of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of internationalization of higher education. – Taldykorgan, 2020. – 135 pages.
Further education courses:
  1. Training of teaching staff within the framework of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Center of Pedagogical Excellence "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools", Taldykorgan, 14.03.2022-25.03.2022. 80 hours
  2. "Modern technologies in the teaching of psychological and pedagogical subjects in universities", "INTUIT" National Open University, Moscow, 02.01.2022-16.01.2022. 72 hours
  3. "Coaching technologies in universities", A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University, Kostanay, 19.01.2022-07.04.2022. 72 hours
  4. Methodology of conducting applied research, Center of Pedagogical Excellence "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools", Nur-sultan K., 01.04.2022 - 11.11.2022. 80 hours
  5. In the framework of the kzemp / QCBS-03 pedagogical education potential implementation project coordinated by Hame University of Applied Sciences, Finland, Nazarbayev University, Nur-sultan K., 16.01.2023-31.01.2023. 72 hours
  6. Organizational and methodological foundations of inclusive education, "Zhetisu University named after I. Zhansugirov" KEJSC, Taldykorgan, 29.05.2023-24.06.2023. 72 hours.
Educational and methodical manuals:
  1. Almukhambetova B.j., Toksanbaeva N.K., Bazhenova E. D. The methodology of studying the emotional state of students with special educational needs in higher educational institutions: educational and methodological tool. Zhetisu University named after I. Zhansugirov, 2020. - 123 pages.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502