Kalkashev Sagyngali Gabiziyatovich

Position: head of the educational programs "Chemistry, Biology, Geography"

Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty "6D011600 – Geography"

Research interests: 
«Earth Science and Digital Geography» 

Major scientific publications:
  1. Kalkashev S.G., Nurbol, U., Abdimanapov, B., Kaimuldinova, K., Ayapbekova, A., Nurhanov, M. «The technology of criterion assessment of students’ knowledge in geography lessons». SCOPUS. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 14 (2), Vol. 14 No. 2 (2022): March. 414–425 page. https://doi.org/10.18844/wjet.v14i2.6727
  2. Kalkashev S.G., Abdimanapov B.Sh., Usenov N., Gordeeva Z.I. «Methodological foundations of the criterion assessment of students' knowledge in the course of school geography» // Bulletin of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The series of «Pedagogical sciences». ISSN 2022-03-31. Volume 72 No. 3 (2022). https://doi.org/10.26577/JES.2022.v72.i3.09
  3. Kalkashev S.G., Abdimanapov B.Sh., Usenov N., Gordeeva Z.I. "psychological and pedagogical foundations of the introduction of criteria assessment in the discipline Geography" Bulletin of Abay Kazakh national pedagogical university. The series "pedagogical sciences". CCFES. ISSN 2022-03-31. Volume 50 No. 1. 264-273 page. 2022. https://doi.org/10.51889/2022-1.2077-6861.28
  4. Kalkashev S.G., Abdimanapov B.Sh., Yesimova D.D. "Subject integration in the effectiveness of the process of criteria-based assessment in geography" Toraigyrov University Bulletin, CCFES. ISSN 2710-2661. Pedagogical series №1. 88-100 page. 2021 https://doi.org/10.48081/TLVE1301
  5. Kalkashev S.G., Abdimanapov B.Sh., Ayapbekova A.E., Nurkhanov M.A., Gordeeva Z.I. «Difference of effective use of criteria-based systems of geography knowledge assessment» Bulletin of the KSPI A. Baitursynuly Kostanay Regional University Interdisciplinary Scientific Journal of the RSCI. Kostanay. nov. No.1. 101-110 page. 2024. ISSN 2310 3353.  
h-index: 1

Participation, management of scientific works:

  1. Republican competition of students’ scientific and research works. Scientific work on the topic: «Visualization based on digital geography, creating an electronic map with GIS technologies». II degree. 2022.
  2. Republican competition of scientific research works of university students. Scientific work «Soil types of the Turgai region and halophytic plants in it». The third place. 2021.
Participation in advanced training courses (at least 72 hours):
  1. 01.02 – 15.05.2024 y. – course on professional development of leaders in the field of education within the framework of the KZEMP/DS – 02 project «Implementation of the pedagogical education model and strengthening its content». Hyame University of Applied Sciences. Finland. 72 hours.
  2. 09.01-13.01.2023 y. – project course of applied sciences «Strengthening the potential of teacher education within the framework of the kzemp/QCBS-03 project». Hyame University of Applied Sciences. Finland. 72 hours.
  3. 20.12.2021 – 31.12.2022 y. – course «Scientific foundations of physical geography». SSU named after S. Amanzholov. Ust-Kamenogorsk. 72 hours.
  4. 06.09 – 19.09.2021 y. – the advanced training course «Development of digital competence of teachers». The National Center for Advanced Training «Orleu». Almaty. 72 hours.
  5. 15.06 – 30.06.2021 y. – Online course «Applied fundamentals of GIS technologies in teaching school geography with updated content». Abay Kazakh national pedagogical university. Almaty. 72 hours.
  6. 05.10 – 16.10.2020 y. – course «Assessment of academic achievements. The system of criteria assessment». NAE named after I. Altynsarin. Almaty. 72 hours.
  7. 29.09 – 10.10.2020 y. – course «Assessment of academic achievements. The system of criteria assessment». NAE named after I. Altynsarin. Almaty. 72 hours.
Teaching aids:
  1. Nurkhanov M.A., Kalkashev S.G. Physical geography (assistant to the applicant ) // methodical manual. – Arkalyk, 2023. – 94 p.
  2. Nurkhanov M.A., Kalkashev S.G. Geography of Kazakhstan // methodical manual. – Arkalyk, 2023. – 94 p.
  3. Balykbaeva G.Sh., Kalkashev S.G., Zhumagulov S.B., Imankulov K.E. Methods of conducting geographical research and solving problems // educational and methodical manual. – Arkalyk, 2023. – 67 p.
  4. Kalkashev S.G., Abdimanapov B.Sh. Methodology of criteria-based assessment in the subject "Geography" based on the updated educational program // Teaching aid. – Arkalyk, 2022. – 54 p. – ISBN 978-601-7654-35-1.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502