Balykbaeva Gulnara Sharifzhanovna

Position: senior lecturer of the educational programs "6B01506 – Geography", "6B01511 – Geography and History", "6B01512 – Biology and Geography".

Academic degree: master of pedagogical sciences.

Research interests: 
«Use of local history data in geographical research» 

Participation in advanced training courses:
  1. 09.01-31.01.2023. – Strengthening the capacity of teacher education KZEMP/QCBS-03. Häme University of Applied Sciences. Finland. 72 hours.
  2. 20.12.2021 – 31.12.2022. – Course "Scientific foundations of physical geography". VKU named after S. Amanzholov. Ust-Kamenogorsk. 72 hours.
  3. 16.03.2021-12.05.2021. – “Leadership in Education.” Nazarbayev University. Astana. 72 hours.
Teaching aids:
  1. Balykbaeva G.Sh., Kalkashev S.G., Zhumagulov S.B., Imankulov K.E. Geographical zertteuler zhurgizu zhane esepter shigaru adistemesi // Educational and methodological manual. – Arkalyk, 2023. – 67 p.
  2. Nurkhanov M.A., Balykbaeva G.Sh. “Training field practices in geography”: // Methodological manual. – Arkalyk, ArkPI 2021. – 47 p.
  3. Balykbaeva G.Sh., Kemelbaeva A.K. Technologies of criteria-based assessment. Educational and methodological manual. - Arkalyk: ArkSPI, 2020
  4. Korazbekova K.U., Balykbaeva G.Sh. Ecology. Educational and methodological manual. - Arkalyk: ArkSPI, 2020


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502