Bagitzhanova Sholpan Suenishovna

Position: master of Education «Pedagogy and Psychology» Senior lecturer of educational programs 6B01703 «Foreign Language: two foreign languages», 6В01709 «Foreign languages»  

Academic degree: master of pedagogical sciences


Research interests:
 «Studying effective methods of teaching foreign languages»

  1. «A scientific and methodological model for the formation of future linguists research competence». A collective monograph. 2019 y. 

Participation in advanced training courses :
  1. 2017 y. – «Modern pedagogical technologies» National Center for Advanced Training «Orleu», advanced training courses for university teachers of pedagogical specialties. 240 hours.
  2. 02.09.2019-14.09.2019. – S.Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University. The training course «Technology of teaching a second foreign language» 72 hours.
  3. 16.03.2021-12.05.2021. “Leadership in Education”. Nazarbayev University Higher School of Education. Nur-Sultan. 80 hours.
  4. 08-19.01.2024. “Scaling of educational programs” within the framework of the World Bank project “Strengthening the potential of pedagogical education” at MSHE RK (Kazakhstan-Finland). Hyame University of Applied Sciences. 160 hours.
Teaching aids:
  1. Bagitzhanova Sh.S., Shongalova A.S. Tasks of student`s independent work on the subject of a second foreign language (Level A1, A2) // Methodical manual. – Arkalyk, 2016. – 72 p. ISBN 978-601-7656-81-5.
  2.  Bagitzhanova Sh.S., Shakenova S.Zh. Tasks of student`s independent work on the subject of a second foreign language (Level B1) // Methodical manual. – Arkalyk, 2018. – 64 p. ISBN 978-601-7892-97-5.
  3.  Bagitzhanova Sh.S. Tasks of student`s independent work on the subject of a second foreign language (Level B2) // Methodical manual. – Arkalyk, 2022. – 55 p. ISBN 978-601-7654-44-3.
  4.  Bagitzhanova Sh.S., Topina M.A. German-English thematic dictionary // Educational and methodical manual. – Arkalyk, 2023. – 84 p. ISBN 978-601-7654-63-4.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502