Bakirova Zhamilya Makhsudovna

Position: lecturer of the educational programs «6В01703- Foreign language: two foreign languages», «6В01706 -English »

Academic degree: master of Pedagogy and Psychology


Research interests:
 "Development of communicative competence in teaching foreign language for professional purposes "

Participation, management of scientific projects:
  1. Republican competition of students’ scientific and research works. Scientific work on the topic: «The influence of a differentiated approach in teaching a foreign language on the motivation of students ». III degree. 2022.
Participation in advanced training courses :
  1.  11.01- 23.04. 2021 - Online course «Virtual training on the methodology of teaching English, the content and development of the curriculum». США. 72 часа.
  2.  31.01.2023 г – A course within the framework of the project Strengthening the potential of teacher Education, coordinated by Hame University of Applied Sciences, Finland. 72 hours.
Teaching aids:
  1. Akhmetova G.Kh., Bakirova Zh.M. Methods of teaching foreign languages: approaches and strategies // Textbook. - Arkalyk, 2024. - 54 p. - ISBN 978-601-7654-62-7.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502