Abdrakhmanova Meiramkul Turganbaevna

Position: senior lecturer of educational programs "6B01501 – Mathematics", "6B01507 – Mathematics and Physics", "6B01508 – Mathematics and Computer Science"

Academic degree: 
master of natural sciences


Research interests: 
«Formation of professional competence of students in solving applied problems» 

Major scientific publications:
  1. Tasbulatova G.S., Umbetov A.U., Sadykova B.S., Uzakova B.Z., Abdrakhmanova M.T., Comparative characteristics of the cardiovascular parameters in 7–11-year-old boys residing in northern and southern Kazakhstan // Vergleichendes Charakteristikum der Indikatoren des kardiovaskulären Systems von Jungen im Alter von 7–11 Jahren. Zeitschrift für Gefäßmedizin 2020; 17 (2), 13-15 page. www.kup.at/gefaessmedizin Online-Datenbank mit Autoren- und Stichwortsuche https://www.kup.at/kup/pdf/14586.pdf 
  2. Abdrakhmanova M.T. Formation of mental calculation skills in students in a school mathematics course // BULLETIN of Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University. ISSN: 2713-2730. No. 1 (49) March 2024, 77-79 pages.
Participation in advanced training courses:
  1. 14-15.12.2022 - Online course «Formation of subject and communicative-linguistic competencies of teachers in conditions of trilingual education». East Kazakhstan University named after. S. Amanzholova. 72 hours.
  2. 14-30.03.2022 - Online course «Inclusive education: methods of teaching mathematics». East Kazakhstan University named after. S. Amanzholova. 72 hours.
  3. 20-31.12.2021 - Online course «Mathematics: theory and methods of teaching mathematics». East Kazakhstan University named after. S. Amanzholova. 72 hours.
  4. October 22, 2021 - Online course «Methodology of applied research». Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, Center for Pedagogical Excellence. 80 hours
  5. 16.03.2021-12.05.2021 - Online course «Leadership in education». Nazarbayev universini.
  6. 01.31.2023 - Online course «Strengthening the potential of teacher education KZEMP/QCBS-03».
Teaching aids:
  1. Abdrakhmanova M.T. Using origami in geometry // Teaching aid. - Arkalyk, 2021. - 58 p.
  2. Abdrakhmanova M.T. Computer animation in a school mathematics course // Teaching aid. - Arkalyk, 2021. - 27 p.
  3. Abdrakhmanova M.T. Support problems in a school geometry course // Teaching aid. - Arkalyk, 2022. - 43 p.
  4. Abdrakhmanova M.T. Methods of teaching mathematics in inclusive education // Teaching aid. - Arkalyk, 2023. - 50 p.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502