Baіzakova Saule Svyazhanovna

Position: senior lecturer of educational programs "6B01503 – Computer Science", "6B01513 – Computer Science, information and communication technologies and robotics"

Academic degree: master of natural sciences

Research interests: 
«Methods of teaching programming languages» 

Major scientific publications:
  1. K. Alibekova, Zh. Alimzhanova, S.S. Baizakova. «Rating valuation of block ciphers for wireless sensor networks» Al Farabi Kazakh National University. SERIES PHYSICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, ISSN 1991-346X. №2(346), 2023. 
  2. S.S.Baizakova. "STEAM technology in education", BULLETIN of Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University. Natural sciences.ISSN 2713-27-30. №1 (49), 2024. 
  3. S.S.Baizakova, Senkina G.E. "The impact of digital educational resources on the education system", Smolensk State University, 2024.
  4. S.S.Baizakova, Baizakov M.B. "The place of SESAME technology in the teaching of natural sciences", Smolensk State University, 2024.  
Participation in advanced training courses:
  1. 16.03.-12.05.2021 – "Leadership training in education". Higher School of Education of Nazarbayev University. Nursultan city 80 hours.
  2. 20.12.-31.12.2021 – "Information technologies and digital resources". S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University. Ust-Kamenogorsk 72 hours.
  3. 01.2023. "Strengthening the potential of teacher education KZEMP/QCBS-03", Hame University of Applied Sciences, Finland, 2023. 
Teaching aids:
  1. Baizakova S.S., Sundetbaeva A.J. "Collection of practical works on the JAVA programming language"// Educational and methodological manual.–Arkalyk, 2022.-65 p. ISBN 978-601-7947-48-4.
  2. S.S.Baizakova., Shongalova K.S. ICT in inclusive education//Educational and methodical manual. – Arkalyk, 2022.-63 p. ISBN 978-601-7654-39-9.
  3. S.S.Baizakova. "Theoretical foundations and architecture of computer systems"//Educational and methodical manual. – Arkalyk, 2022.-56 p. ISBN 978-601-7654-40-5.
  4. Baizakova S.S., Ilubaev M.A., Shongalova K.S. "Fundamentals of robotics"//Educational and methodical manual. – Arkalyk, 2022.-52 p. ISBN 978-601-7654-36-8.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502