Nurkenova Aigerim Dauylbaikyzy

Position: senior lecturer of educational programs "6B01504 – Chemistry", "6B01505 – Biology", "6B01510 – Chemistry and Biology".

Academic degree: master of pedagogical sciences

Research interests: 
«Development of integrated teaching of the results of scientific research in the process of teaching chemistry in higher educational institutions» 

Participation in advanced training courses:
  1. 12.15.2023 - Advanced training course within the framework of the project “Implementation of the model of teacher education and strengthening its content” KZEMP/DS-02, coordinated by Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finland, was trained as a trainer for scaling educational programs of higher education education. 72 hours
  2. 04.15-04.26.2024. - Intensive English course as part of the Silver University project. Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin. Arkalyk, 72 hours.   
Teaching aids:
  1. Nurkenova A.D., Kemelbaeva A.K., Dosmagulova K.K., Khamit A.Zh. Methods for solving problems in chemistry // Educational and methodological manual - Arkalyk, 2020. - 88 p. - ISBN 978-601-7947-67-5
  2. Nurkenova A.D., Kemelbaeva A.K., Dosmagulova K.K., Khamit A.Zh. Higher molecular compounds // Educational and methodological manual - Arkalyk, 2020. - 115 p. - ISBN 978-601-7947-65-1.
  3. Nurkenova A.D., Kemelbaeva A.K., Dosmagulova K.K., Khamit A.Zh. Computational chemistry. Laboratory work // Educational and methodological manual - Arkalyk, 2020. - 104 p. - ISBN 978-601-7947-65-1.
  4. Nurkenova A.D., Kemelbaeva A.K., Dosmagulova K.K. and Ermekbaeva A.T., Methods of teaching natural sciences in the system of inclusive education // Educational and methodological manual. - Arkalyk, 2021. – 80 p.
  5. Nurkenova A.D., Kemelbaeva A.K., Dosmagulova K.K., Nasyr K.. Chemical ecology // Educational manual. - Arkalyk, 2021. – 124 p.
  6. Nurkenova A.D., Kemelbaeva A.K. Fundamentals of chemical and pedagogical training // Methodological manual. - Arkalyk, 2021. – 49 p.
  7. Nurkenova A.D., Dosmagulova K.K. Aman G.B., Bosyn M.A., Sakieva G.T., Toleu E.A. Methodology for conducting a chemical experiment at school // Methodological manual. – Arkalyk, 2022. – 61 p.
  8. Nurkenova A.D., Dosmagulova K.K. GREEN CHEMISTRY AND ENGINEERING // Textbook. – Arkalyk, 2023. – 41 p.
  9. Nurkenova A.D., Korazbekova K.U. DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR LEARNING AND TEACHING // Textbook. – Arkalyk, 2023. – 91 p.
  10. Dosmagulova K.K., Nurkenova A.D., Akhatova S.Zh. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY // Collection of lectures. – Arkalyk, 2024. – 82 p.


Address: 110300, Auelbekova str.17, Arkalyk
Tel: 8-71430-7-24-88
Selection committee: 8-71430-7-11-57
Call center: +77143049502