Research interests: «Development of integrated teaching of the results of scientific research in the process of teaching chemistry in higher educational institutions»
Major scientific publications:
- Study of the chemical components of CO2 extracts from the fruits of Sorbus Aucuparia L. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science, 2024, 48(2), 83-89 p.
Teaching aids:
- Dosmagulova K.K., Hamit A.Zh., Kemelbaeva A.K., Nurkenova A.D. "Computer chemistry" laboratory works // Educational and methodological manual. - Arkalyk, 2020. – р.103.
- Dosmagulova K.K., Hamit A.J., Kemelbaeva A.K., Nurkenova A.D. High-molecular compounds // Educational and methodological manual. - Arkalyk, 2020. - p. 115.
- Dosmagulova K.K., Hamit A.Zh., Kemelbaeva A.K., Nurkenova A.D. Methodology for solving problems in chemistry// Educational and methodological manual. - Arkalyk, 2020. – р.87.
- Dosmagulova K.K., Korazbekova K.U. Chemical technology (methodical manual for teaching practice) // Methodical manual. – Arkalyk, 2021.– p. 31.
- Dosmagulova K.K., Kemelbaeva A.K., Nurkenova A.D., PhD Ermekbaeva A.T. Methodology of teaching natural sciences in the system of inclusive education // Educational and methodological manual. - Arkalyk, 2020. -p. 81.
- Dosmagulova K.K., Kemelbaeva A.K., Nurkenova A.D., Nasyr K. Chemical ecology // Educational and methodological manual. - Arkalyk, 2020. - p. 87.
- Akhatova S.Zh. Fundamentals of nanochemistry // Educational and methodical manual. –Arkalyk, 2023.–p. 35.
- Akhatova S.Zh., Nurkenova A.D. Analytical chemistry // Collection of lectures. –Arkalyk, 2023. . –p. 82.
- Dosmagulova K.K., Nurkenova A.D. Green chemistry and engineering // Educational and methodological manual. - Arkalyk, 2023. - p. 54.